Chapter 3

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I walk back to the house, not looking back. "Ah, Katia. Rodin has finished with getting food. Shall we g....." The ground starts rumbling before Rodin could finish. A titan broke through, shit! I've gotta get back to the others! I grab Rodin's arm and start running. "C'mon Rodin, we gotta get back!" He nods and runs along side me until we reach our house near the end of the city. "Holy fuck....." I run up to the boulder crushed house with haste. "EVA? JAYLA? MEI?" I yell out trying to move the debris. "RODIN! COME HELP!" I yell to him as he runs up beside me. We search through the crumbled debris of what was once our home. I find my 3DMG in good condition. "Thank god. Rodin!" I yell, gearing up. "Yes?" I make sure everything works properly. "I'm gonna check around town real quick. You keep looking here. If I don't find them I'll come back for you okay?" He nods and I fly off looking for those 3.

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. Don't do this to me, not now. As I was zipping from building to building I hear multiple people using 3DMG behind me. "What the hell?" I turn my head only to see soldiers. Shit! I was approaching a tunnel quickly. Surely they won't follow me through here! I retract my zip lines as I aproached the tunnel, sliding in quickly and running further down. I jump over an obstacle before running again. I'm almost there! I can see the end of the tunnel! Just a little further and..... My thought was cut off by a heavy weight falling on my body. "SHIT!" I scream out in pain as I was slammed into the ground. "Get off me!" I struggle under the weight on top of me. "I'm affraid that's not going to happen." I look up and se a blonde man with a goatee, taller than me, holding me to the ground. I can't go out like this, no way. I kick the force off of my body and quickly flip back onto my feet. I grab my knife and flip it open, ready for any attacks. "You son of a bitch!" The man I kicked off me yelled before charging at me. I get my knife ready to stab him. "Stop." Another blonde man, MUCH taller then me, orders and the other man stops running. "What do you want? I don't know if you realised but the whole city is shaking from that titan upstairs and my friends are missing, so if you'll excuse me."

I get ready to fly off again when all of the soldiers surrounding me gets their swords out. "We can't allow a criminal to leave." One of them states. "Criminal?! I'm no criminal!" I shout at them. "I don't notice anyone else using 3DMG. Where'd you get it?" I turn back around to the blonde man again and ignore him. "What's your name?" I glare up at him. "Why should I tell you? My friends could be dead now because you're holding me up!" I yell, he sighs and orders everyone to lower their swords. "We'll let you find your friends. Only on one condition though." He says harshly. "Tch, what is it?" I stare at him. "Once the titans are gone you must promise to meet up with us at the stairway. We have a request from Darius Zackly for you. Do this one request for the future of humanity. " As soon as he finished talking they all left. What just happened? Another rumble snaps me from my thoughts and I continue to look for Eva, Jayla and Mei.

*1 hour later*

"Rodin, I'm back!" I land on the ground and run over to Rodin. The rumbling had finished by now and people were screaming for their loved one crushed by debris. "I couldn't find them. Did you have any......" As I got closer I saw Rodin lying on the ground. "Rodin? C'mon buddy wake up." I shook his shoulder and turned him onto his back. "" He had a machette stuck right in the middle of his chest that went all the way through. " gone." He coughs out, blood running down the corner of his mouth. "Shhhh, conserve your energy." I pull him up onto my lap and hold his head up. "F...Foresaken." He pointed to his wound as he said this. "They did this? Rodin? RODIN?" I shook him harshly as his eyes closed slowly. "We warned you." I hear snickers behind me and I flick my glare towards the entire Foresaken Gang. All 73 of them "What did you do with Eva, Jayla and Mei you bastards?" I stand up, letting Rodin's lifeless body slide off my knees and onto the ground. "Oh those three? Their already gone. No one was home so we took advantage of that. Wish you would have stayed around longer to watch, but you left before we got here. We had fun though. Now it's your turn." I grabbed my knife and detached my 3DMG. It let out a loud bang as it hit the ground.

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