Chapter 17

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(A/N I've decided to slowly update this with extra chapters. In these scenarios, Katia never cheated and this chapter picks up after the start of chapter 13 (below))

"That was great." I hear him say before hugging me gently. "Out of all the arms embraces I've been in lately, I like yours the most." I say quietly as I snuggle up to his chest. I hear him click his tongue before resting his arm on my waist.


"You don't mean...They're gonna take that Titan alive?!" Eren says as we rode through the forest. We managed to catch the Female Titan in the trap Hange had devised, but I wasn't comfortable with how easily she got caught. While the others bragged to Eren about how great they are cause they caught the Titan, I speed my horse up to match Levi's speed. "Levi, I don't like this. After all the trouble she caused and all it took was that?" I ask, looking back for a split second, seeing her covering her nape. "I don't like it either, but it's Erwin's call." He says and I nod. "Okay, just be careful over there?" I ask and he stands on the back of his horse. "Of course. Eld, take control of the squad and keep moving forward. Your priority is to protect Eren at any cost." He says before flying off. I slow down back into our original formation, except Eld takes Levi's place as Captain.

Short Time Skip

We landed on a tree branch to check our equipment and I noticed Eren lost in thought while Petra and Oluo argued like an old married couple. Something about Oluo trying to be like Captain Levi, and if I was honest he was doing a pretty shitty job. I place a hand on my brother's shoulder. "You need to concentrate Eren." I say and he sighs. "I know, but I can't help but think...what if the information we get out of the person inside the Titan isn't worth all the lives we lost?" He asks and I wrap my arms around him and I noticed tears making their way onto his cheeks. "We're soldiers Eren. People are going to die no matter what. Nobody knows the outcome of anything, they just have to try and choose the one that will have the least amount of death involved." I say, patting his back gently. "You sound like Heichou." Petra says and I smile. "You know we both grew up Underground. Maybe it's just a view everyone down there has." I say before I lift Eren's head up. "How do you do it? How do you stay so composed after seeing so many people die?" He asks and I sit down with him. "I grew up in the Underground. I saw a lot of people die Eren. It still affects me, but me feeling sorry for myself and dwelling on whether or not I could've done something to save them doesn't help anyone. The only thing I can do is keep fighting and make sure that I live so that they didn't die in vain." I say and he wipes his eyes. "Okay, I'll try and do that! I can't eradicate the titans by wallowing in self-pity." He says and I smile before quickly standing up and unsheathing my blades.

"Wha-" Eren was cut off by a loud screaming that came from inside the forest. Soon after Titans began running towards us. "Go! I'll tail behind you guys and provide any backup. I might be able to get the drop on any Titans before they can see me." I say before Petra grabs my arm. "Be careful, okay? Don't risk your life for us." She says and I shake my head. "I'll risk my life for my little brother if I need to, but I know you elites can take care of yourselves. Take care of him." I say before flying up into the leaves and waiting for them to get ahead a little. Once I'm sure they've left and gotten a little ahead, I start carefully, skillfully and quickly moving through the leaves from tree to tree, making sure to be able to see my brother. Being equal to Levi when it comes to a lot of things, I was able to keep up with them with little to no work. They managed to not get into any life-threatening situations with the Titans and I was about to come down from the leaves, until I saw a cloaked figure fly up next to them, the hood covering their face. O knew it wasn't Levi. Their movements with ODM were good, but not that good. My heart stops as I see one of Gunther's wires get cut before he hangs dead in the air, blood running from his neck. I see my bother get pushed forwards by Oluo, moving Eren from his spot where he had stopped in shock. *Gunther barely had any time to react. I can't downplay this person's abilities and I can't hesitate if I get the chance to kill them. They're the Titan we caught before.* I think to myself, making sure to move even quicker and even quieter than before. *Do I strike now? Or do I wait?* I wonder to myself before they disappear. I desperately looked around while keeping a close eye on my brother. *This traitor has more skill than I thought...* I think, ready to join Petra and the others in fighting off this thing, but a crash of lightning interrupts my movement. My eyes widen as I see those cold, steel eyes stare straight ahead. It was the Female Titan. *She's got more experience then Eren and me. She would've just left her Titan body and she's already changed back? Unless this is a conspirator of the Female Titan. either way, she dies today.* I speed up as she starts running. I panic as I hear Eren say that he was going to fight and kill her himself. *No...Stop him! He'll get himself killed!* I think before Eld tries to reason with him. "Let us take her down! this is the best course of action! We can't risk losing your ability! Head straight for HQ and live for your sister Eren!" He says and I make a mental note to thank him when we get back.

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