Chapter 16

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Katia's POV

"How is it Hange?" I ask as I sit on the edge of the examination table. For some reason she had a small labratory joined to her room. "It's looking better, but keep that surgical mask on." I nod my head and pulls my mask back over my mouth. "Why isn't it regenerating? It's been 4 days since it happened. It should have grown back within 10 minutes." I say and push myself off the bed. "Well..." She groans before sitting me down on the couch in her office. "It seems that the tissue on you face, mostly around the bottom half, is extremely weak compared to that of your brothers, whose is unaturaly strong and thick." She says as she sits in front of me. "With that being said, it can be hypothosised that a Titan's ability to regenerate faster than a human relies on how strong the tissue of the damaged area is. Although this is just a theory, it is valuble information to us." I nod my head and take my mask off again. "Did you want to take some more blood? Maybe a bit more tissue?" I ask and she laughs nervously. "It was that obvious?" I nod my head and she brings over a trolley of medical supplies. "This is gonna hurt, a lot, but try not to turn into a Titan." She say as she puts on a plastic apron, some rubber gloves and grabs a scalpel. "Okay." I say as she brings the scalpel closer to the left cut.

"Aaaannnddd, we're done with the painful part." She says as she places the removed tissue into a small container and walks over to the sink to clean the scalpel. "Did it hurt?" She asks as she hands me a cotton swab with some brown liquid on it. Disinfectant? "It's iodine. I...It's a mild antiseptic, so it's gonna hurt a bit." I nod my head and put some on the cuts. I wince slightly at the sting it gave. "Here." She passes an empty container over to me and I put the cotton swab in it. She disposes of both the container and cotton swab. "How'd you get authorization for this?" I ask as I look around at the fancy, shiny equipment surounding me. "After we found out you were half Titan, Erwin gave me the go ahead to make this Lab. I'll tell you right now though, it was not cheap." She says with her back turned to me. "I can tell." I reply. "Now..." She removes her apron and throws it out before turning to me. "We need you to keep a close eye on that wound. If anything strange or new begins happening, come straight here. Okay?" I nod my head and pull my mask back up. "Okay, that's all. Thanks for coming!" She says happily and I leave her lab and office. "Not that I have a choice." I mumble to myself and make my way down the hall.

"Hey Kat!" I hear Sasha and Connie say happily as I walk past the kitchen. I smirk and lean against the door frame. "Hello. I see you're stealing more food." I tease and they laugh. "You know us, Kat. Always hungry." Sasha says and I get an idea. "I wonder what Levi would say if he found out you were doing this." I smirk as their grins turn to gapped mouths and Sasha runs over to my quickly, grabbing my leg. "P...please don't tell him! I'm never gonna be aloud to eat again!" She cries and I laugh before ruffling her hair. "Don't worry Sasha, I'm not gonna tell Levi." I say happily before walking off on her after she had let go. "Oh, here." I say as I reach into my jacket pocket and throw her a peice of bread. "B...b...b...BREAD!" She says happily before eating it quickly. "Don't tell Hange, I took it from her office." I wink before walk back down the hall.

I wave to the soliders as I pass a large number of them, and they wave back happily. I stop at a door and knock on it happily before entering. "Levi!" I say happily and he looks up from his desk. "Hello Katia. How'd it go?" He asks and I nod. "Good! She said it's getting better but I still have to wear this thing." I pout, pointing to the mask. "It's for the best." He says before turning his chair to the side and patting on his lap. I walk over and sit down on his lap, resting me head against his chest. "I know. I'm just sick of wearing it." I feel his hand rub my back softly. "I know Kat, I know." He says softly before kissing the top of my head softly. "Now, go train. I need to finish this paperwork." I giggle and stand up from his lap before walk out of his office. "Okay, bye Levi!" I say before I see him wave his hand softly, keeping his head down. "Bye." He says before I close the door.

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