Ch2-Making friends

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Chapter 2

Hayden's POV

My dreams are filled with sadness, memories of something I've seen or happened to me. I remember once when I was six, right before my parents divorce, I had ran away with new bruises into the woods behind my house. Never once had I left the house, let alone to go into the woods. Father wouldn't allow it. He said if someone saw my bruises or cuts he would go to jail and He would kill me.

I came across a flower, a small yellow butterfly was on top of it, my heart pounded as I had never seen such a beautiful thing.

With out thinking about it I had grabbed it, powder like scales covered my small fingers. I quickly dropped it and watched it as its wings wildly fluttered, then it seemed to stop, then just give up.

Could this represent my life? Could I possibly be this butterfly? The butterfly was so innocent, and I came along and hurt it.

I watched it twitch and suffer, I don't want it to be like me. With a heavy heart, I stomped its life away with my foot.

Even at my age of six, I dreamed of someone coming along and saving me like I had done the butterfly. Either by death or simply taking me away. I would gladly take either.

A pain fills my body, I'm on my knees screaming, then, my sight, simply goes black.


I wake with a gasp and struggle to get up and grab my notebook and pen. My therapist tells me I should write my dreams down. Study them and learn why I dream about them. But she doesn't know the hell I live.

But I can never be angry with her. She has a good heart and try's to help me. She's perhaps the only person I could ever truly call friend.

Looking at my clock I see its 5:30am. If I want to have a quite morning, I better get ready quickly.


I'm out of breath and slick with sweat as I arrive at the school. It's only six and I have two hours before it starts, but I couldn't stay at my house.

Something bright catches my eye and makes my heart hurt.

A butterfly. The blue emperor, commonly found in Australia. But what was it doing in Texas?

"The blue mountain." A voice spoke behind me.

"Also known as the blue mountain swallow tail." He continued.

I turned around to find a guy around my age. He wasn't exactly skinny but he wasn't over weight. Sort of chubby. He had dyed black hair and bright green eyes. His out it was of the dark side, gothic or emo, my brother had once called them.

"Also known as the blue emperor." I whispered.

He smiled. "I've never seen you here so I assume you're new. Hi, my name is John."

He held out his hand but I flinched from it. "I'm new to this school, my name is Hayden."

He didn't seem to mind me not taking hold of his hand. "So you like butterflies?"

I nodded. "I love them, they have a special meaning in my heart."

"So what's your schedule?" John asked.

I wrinkled my nose. "I haven't got it."

The butterfly suddenly went into flight and flew away, carrying a bit of my heart along with it.

John's soft voice floated back to me. "I can take you to the office."

I nodded and followed him.

Arriving at the office I went up to the lady at the desk. "My name is Hayden jones and I'm new here." I whispered shyly.

The front desk lady stared at me as if I was a pitiful kitten. " I'm sorry dear I didn't hear you."

Flustered I tried to speak louder. "My name is Hayden jones, I'm new."

"Oh dear, my age makes my hearing horrible." She sighed.

John stepped beside me. "Mrs. Pam, this is Hayden jones, he's new and needs his schedule."

She smiled. "Of course! My dear you're like a kitten! So shy!"

I looked away embarrassed.

Something poked my hand and I looked over to see John gently trying to give me my schedule.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"We have 3 morning classes, lunch, and last period together." John smiled.

I nodded. I was familiar with at least one person.

A shriek echoed threw the halls before John's face hit the ground. I backed against the wall in panic and fear.

"Luke! You bitch!" John growled.

I now took the time to look at the...female? Male? He or she was in a bright blue cotton dress that came mid thigh. It's hair was long and to the middle of her/his back in soft curls.

IT'S blue eyes found mine . "John, who's your sexy new friend?"

It's voice only confused me more. It's a girl I've decided.

"This is Hayden, he's new. Hayden this is Luke, he's a cross dresser."

Luke stepped toward me purring. "Hey John, I want it."

I stepped away, heart pounding. Luke was plucked away soon.

"John, Luke, who are you bothering?" I shivered at the voice.

He was tall. About half a foot taller than me, long bright blonde hair and shinning blue eyes.

He gave me a bright smile. "My names Nathan."

My heart suddenly felt something, a shock. Was, was this happiness? Why was I so happy?

Nathan's long body leaned over me picking up my bag I hadn't even noticed I spilled.

He gently picked up my butterfly journal. "You like butterflies?"

I felt close to tears in embarrassment. "Yes, I do." I whispered.

"My father works for the zoo around here, they have a really big enclosure filled with hundreds of different types of butterfly's. I'd take you for free if you want." He smiled.

My eyes widened in shock. "I-I would love that! I'd love that very much!"

He gently pushed my butterfly book in my bag and handed it to me.

He glanced at my schedule before handing it to me. "We have like one class NOT together. But you have it with John."

The bell rang and John cursed. "We're late."

Nathan hooked his arm with mine then looked shocked when I jerked away in fear. My heart pounded and again I felt close to tears. Why couldn't I just be normal?

"Come on, I'll show you to class." Nathan smiled softly.

His calming voice had my heart slowing, unknowing, I followed my future.

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