Ch13-A Talk with God

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Butterflies 13

Chapter 13

~warning. This chapter is based on religion.~

Hayden's POV.

I must be in heaven. I'm in a forest, surrounded by butterflies.

Bright colors all around me.

A sound echoes around me, my laugh, I hear. I'm laughing. It's not forced. It's free and careless. Light as a feather and nothing could tether.

"Why are you here Hayden?" I shivered at the voice looking around.

"Who's here?" I asked.

The voice was like golden liquid. Flowing over my body and soul. "You know who I am Hayden. You used to pray to me everyday. Why did you stop?"

God. It was God! "You never helped me! I've suffered fifteen years! Never once did you help me! I didn't want to pray to a God who didn't answer my prayers. My thirteenth birthday. That's when I stopped believing in you."

"I answered your prayers. I influenced your parents to divorce. I influenced your mother and Patrick to move to Texas, right were you've gotten a life! You have so many people who are willing to look after you and protect you! So many who love you!"


The voice remained calm. "Luke, John, Carol, Eric, Sarah, Izzy, Doctor Chase, Nurse Annie, and you should know this one. Nathan."

I smiled. Yes, someone did love me. "Why didn't you ever stop them?"

"I cannot control my children. People do as they wish, I just hope they have a sense in what they are doing. I try to influence my children into doing the right thing. But they often ignore it."

"Why do you keep saying children?"

"The people of earth are my children. I spent time creating and working on you. Making you perfect in my eyes. You won't see yourself as perfect, but In my eyes, you are perfect."

"So, where am I?"

"You're in heaven. But you need to be back on Earth."

A warm embrace held me making me smile. I felt my innocence return, I felt my heart restart, I felt my pain melt away, I felt like me.


A tugging at my heart awoke me. Opening my eyes, I saw I was in a white room. Doctor Chase was bent over me worried, Nurse Annie stood behind him. "You know, you've grown on our hearts." Chase said.

I gave him a weak smile. "How long have I been in here?"

"A week. You've kept us on our toes. Your heart kept going out. But we found clogs in your heart veins. We did surgery and cleared them."

A knock at the door had Annie running to it, A few whispers were exchanged and she waved Chase to the door. They left and a tall man walked in. He was clad in a business suit with short kept graying brown hair. His handsome face held intelligent green eyes that had a haunting look behind them.

"My name is Ethan. I'm your therapist."

I simply stared at him.

"Tell me about Christmas. Tell me what made you lock yourself in your room for three hours then go into a attack." He said sitting in a chair at my bedside.

I turned my head away. "Listen. You scared that whole family. How the hell do you think they feel when you scream at them, run away, lock yourself away for three hours, then open the door and have a attack surrounded by vomit?"

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