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+ Its in our nature to complicate, +

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+ Its in our nature to complicate, +

+ but in the end it's the causalities that carry all the weight. +

- Sleeping At Last, Unmade -



A scream of terror roared through The Dormir. 

Everyone whipped their attention to where the commotion was coming from, and a crowd began to from, all eager to set their eyes on the chaos unfolding. I looked to Ava and MiKinley, sharing the same face of fear as both of them, before running along to see what was happening. 

Everyone was yelling, or whispering to each other, or talking over one another; I couldn't understand what was happening until I saw it for myself. 

There was a girl behind the cabins fighting herself for control. And there were the Fog - which surrounded The Dormir - floating dangerously close to her path. 

I scanned the crowd just to see if there was anyone brave enough to watch the ordeal. To see if I could tell which ones her friends were - the group frozen in shock with eyes locked upon her, as if she was a sun and the rest of the universe pitch blackness. I felt sick to my stomach, and everyone else looked pale; but no one could turn away. 

There were some voices standing out among the others - The Harvests' : "What does the Fog do?" or "Why is everyone so terrified?" And there were some answers which sent chills down your spine when they were delivered in truth. 

"It kills you!" Someone cried. "Makes you go crazy!"

"Destroys your immunity!" Another person chimed in. 

"Someone stop her!" 

At that moment, someone ran out to her direction, getting as close to her as they could without touching the Fog. It was a guard. It was Charleston. 

I wanted to hear what he was saying to her, to know what words he used to try and give herself her control back. I stepped closer, now on the edge of the mob, but I at least I was able to see them without obstruction. 

By this point, people had stopped yelling to Teresa, and instead, turned to face each other where they all spoke in frantic whispers, the occasional sob ringing through the crowd. Guards spilled out from all areas of The Dormir, quick to extinguish the possibility of two people touching. If ever there were a group bigger than six, a guard would find you and watch you like prey, afraid that people were more likely to break the law when in groups. 

There was another guard with Charleston approaching from the side, but I wasn't able to see clearly what was happening as guards and lookouts quickly came and ushered everyone as far away, and as distant away, from everyone they could. 

Once most people were cleared away, I wandered back over, leaning against the side of the cabin as I watched in both fear and curiosity. I could see Charleston saying something to Teresa as the other guard moved some people out of sight; it seemed he was saying the same thing over and over a couple times, as if trying to imprint it in her mind. She kept falling nearer and nearer to the Fog, and it almost seemed that Charleston was unaware of it as he continued to follow her towards it, speaking to her without failing every time she took a step. I focused on blocking out all the noise around me, and tried only to hear the conversation that I was watching. 

"Don't be..." 

"Don't be..." 

I heard footsteps behind me, then felt the presence of someone next to me. MiKinley and Ava, of course. I ignored them, and neither one of them seemed interested in me, either; we all watched straight ahead, the sound of our beating hearts almost drumming out the noise. 

Finally, I understood what he had been saying, seconds before Teresa disappeared into the thick, white Fog, leaving behind her immunity, and her life: "Don't be afraid." 

Everything seemed to stop for a moment. It was as though the universe couldn't slow down enough to catch up to it's record of devastation, that it needed a moment of silence and of stillness to understand the latest tragedy it had delivered. 

Charleston froze as he stared into the emptiness of the Fog. It was usually a feeling resembled with darkness, but it was such an intense blinding whiteness in colour that it was just as heavy as a suffocating twilight. I saw him let out a breath after several moment had passed, and he began walking my way, his head down so he didn't notice any of us until he was right in front of us. 

Again, he stopped, half-expecting what came. MiKinley lunged forward in hatred. "She was my friend." 

It was the first time I truly believed that MiKinley was going to break the law, the first time I believed he would try and touch someone, acting on his aggression. With whatever remaining self-control he had left in him, he lowered his hand away from Charleston. MiKinley used his words instead. Somehow, I think they did more damage. 

"Congratulations. You just cost a girl her life." 


Teresa is my first casualty. 


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