C o u n t e r f e i t F i l m

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Hey guys, 

So some of you may know - I have announced it at the bottom of chapters and in my bio - but I have a short film out for Counterfeit! It was part of my Film Studies course for college; we had to write a screenplay (a maximum of 3.5 minutes) and create either an opening scene, a scene of conflict between two main characters, or an ending scene. As you all know how this book ended, my budget of $0 would not allow for me to have a massive camp on fire, or hollograms flickering before our characters (still a tender subject to talk about #RIPMiKinley ). I also used the song 'Teresa's Plea' which is a score from The Death Cure, and one of my favourites! 

I decided to create the opening scene. My vision was a distorted and jarred flashback echoing in Pip's mind subconsciously, as if to imply that the beginning was triggering the end - because of Charleston's arrival. A forgotten conversation of Charleston pleading with his love not to go, because he knows she'll forget him. I also wanted to include some of the lighthearted relationship between Pip and MiKinley - like when they're talking at The Harvest (I couldn't find enough cast for Ava), Marvis at the podium welcoming the new campmates, and of course, the one and only Charleston. 

I was really happy with how the shots of Charleston entering turned out! Obviously Charleston remembers everything, so when he comes in looking at Pip, he knows everything about her, their relationship, their love. Meanwhile, for Pip, she looks back at a stranger - confused about the sudden appearance of a new guard, and the way he looks at her... 

Anyway, I'll attach the link, and it will also be available on my YouTube 'Nicole Calland'. If you fancy having a look, there are also multiple trailers and edits on their for all of my stories (Counterfeit, Insusceptible, The Boy from the Bunker, Stay). 

I hope you enjoy the short film! Please note that it was a fun positive experience. It was the first screenplay I had ever written, and also the first film I have ever made (and so many people in my class did a better job than me). I recognize the narrative and visual techniques I could have included to make my project better, but overall, it means so much more to me than a grade, and I wouldn't change it (except the sign about the Rule which was misspelled)!!! 

Thank you for all your support. For reading this book to the end, for caring about my characters, for giving me a passion to continue and publish this story. It is my greatest achievement so far. 

Love always. 


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