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I FELT A pinch on my left arm, the first reminder to me that the world still existed

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I FELT A pinch on my left arm, the first reminder to me that the world still existed.

I wanted to open my eyes, but they were heavy, so I waited, instead focusing on the murmurs that filled the room around me, becoming clearer each second. 

I tried to make out what the voices were saying, who they belonged to, but my mind was a blurred mess. The only way I was going to figure it out would be to open my eyes. So I did, slowly - the light seeming blinding. 

"She's awake." 

There was a hurried sound of footsteps as someone made there way over to my side. Of course it was him. Charleston. 

I was so relieved to see him, and by the look on his face, I knew he felt the same. He was crouching again so that his eyes were level with mine. "Good to have you back, Pip." 

Then, his voice softer, "you okay?" I nodded. He smiled. 

I looked behind him to see Alistair - the custodian who had found me the other night. I smiled at him, sensing the he probably had Charleston's trust. "I'll leave, leave..leave you g-guys to it." 

Once he left, I turned back to Charleston. "That's all he ever says." I joked. My voice was slurred making anything I said sound funnier. He laughed along at me, continuing on with his previous actions. 

I focused on what he was doing - noticing how gentle he was being. He was always so gentle with me. I felt that I needed to ask him some questions. If anyone would know, it would be him. 

"Charles... What happened to me?" 

He looked over - the sight of his brown eyes enough reassurance, enough for me to not be scared.

"We were expecting it to take effect at some point." He began.


"Thelonious and I." 

So my father was aware of this, I thought. But wait. What was he aware of? I still didn't know.

"What would take effect?" 

"Pip..." I could see that he wasn't sure of the best way to approach me. He was cautious - like he was treading on thin ice. 

"I trust you, Charleston." I had never said it aloud before, but I had known it. Somehow, it felt like it made everything change between us. Somehow, I knew that it had. The corners of his lips raised up sincerely, and I knew that it was his way of thanking me. I nodded to show him that I understood. 

"The day after Teresa...." I thought back to the girl who had wondered into the Fog, thought about how it still made me shiver, "After she, you know.. I administered your tests. Remember? You were confused where your custodian had gone?" 

"Gus." I told him. It was important to me to use his name. Despite him being about 40 years older than me, he was always a friend. In some way, I was almost sad that I hadn't seen him since.

Charleston continued. "I altered the arrangements to become your new custodian. In place of Gus." 

I nodded along. It was nice to have some sort of idea about why I stopped seeing him, but at the same time, it still didn't answer my question about why I had passed out. Like usual, Charleston seemed to be one step ahead of me. 

"If you can recall, that was a few days after I arrived here. What I'm getting at is that since then, I've been adjusting and changing your medication." 

I wasn't shocked. If anything, I was shocked over the fact that I wasn't shocked. I suppose that it was obvious in someways. "Is that what you were doing to me last night? Why you wanted to do it when no one else was around?" 

He nodded, somewhat ashamed. "I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to scare you away from me for good. I know your friends don't like me, so if they found out, then there was a good chance you would never look at me again." He made a bit of a joke about it. 

"But when I told you that I would give you some answers, I was surprised with how easy it was for me to give you the new medicine. I think I should have seen it coming. Your dad said that your curiosity always got the better of you." 

I bushed at his words. It was still true. 

"So why did I faint?" 

"It's because your body is trying to get used to all the new drugs and antibiotics and everything else that you've been deprived of here." 


"I told you, Pip. They're not using safe treatments on people. You can't trust them." 

"But people are sent here so that they can keep us healthy. So that they can keep us Insusceptible." 

He shook his head. "It doesn't make sense, Pip. The word 'insusceptible' means incapable of being influenced or affected. If people really were 'Insusceptible' then you wouldn't need to do anything to keep them healthy; it would be impossible for them to become sick." 

"So you're saying that everyone here is sick?" 

"No." He shook his head, desperation puzzling his mind as he tried to find the best way to say it. "But I'm saying that I'm not sure if keeping people alive is what they're trying to do." 




I've got a new layout in case you haven't noticed.

I can't believe how well these chapters are coming along.

I've got around 50 new followers today, I am so, so, so happy.

Truly, my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress. I will never be shaken.
Psalm 61:1-2


10 COMMENTS PLEASE you guys.

I love you all so much.

Always, always.

God bless.

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