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"PIP, IT'S ALREADY past eleven!" Thea reminded me, her voice a hush whisper

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"PIP, IT'S ALREADY past eleven!" Thea reminded me, her voice a hush whisper. 

"Just by a few minutes." I answered, trying to persuade myself to be calm more than anything. "I don't know if I should wait for someone, or go meet him there." 

"He told you that a custodian would find you, didn't he?" 

I sighed nervously, biting my nails as I peaked through the curtains. 


"Yes. He did. But we never arranged for a place to meet the custodian." 

A few seconds passed before she spoke. "That's generally a good start..."

I turned to her, shooting an impatient glare in the dim lit room. "Thea, you're not really helping." 

She threw her hands up in surrender, moving to sit on the bunk, hugging the pillow as she watched me begin to pace the room. "I'm sorry." She breathed out. "Maybe you should just wait. Are you sure he meant tonight?" 

"Yes... No? I don't know." 

"Well, you're not meeting him like this." She told me. 

Confused, I asked her why. "What do you mean?" 

"You get nervous enough after what happened between you two, if you go to him like this, you're only going to make things more stressful for yourself. Ava and I aren't even too sure this is a good idea, so if you're starting to have doubts abo-"

"I'm not." I cut her off hastily. "I'm not having doubts, Thea, I promise you." 

"Then what is is?" She pushed, curious, as was I. 

"I'm just confused, okay? He confuses me." 

"I know." 

I turned to her, half apologetic, half desperate. "Thea, I can't explain it, okay? But I just know that I need to figure him out. Or learn something from him. Or... I don't know, Thea. And I know this is stupid and dangerous, and quite possibly the dumbest thing I have done, but I'm asking you to trust me, to trust him. That's all I'm asking." 

"If you're asking me to trust you, then you've already got it. With my whole life, you have my trust." I smiled, and through the darkness, I could see her return the act. 

"Be careful, Pip." 

I nodded softly, heading towards the side door of the cabin, pausing to farewell my friend. "I will be." With her reassurance, I slipped into the brisk night, the darkness feeling heavy on my shoulders. 

It felt almost impossible to navigate my way along the path and I was constantly looking over my shoulders to make sure that I wasn't being followed by a guard. I was never one to break the rules, so I couldn't predict what sort of punishment I would receive if I was caught, but I knew that it wouldn't be nice. 

I just hoped that Charleston would find me somewhere alone in the darkness. 

I could see a faint light in the distance and I knew that it was the medic centre. I began to pick up my pace, a cold wind brushing against me, anxiety mixing in my stomach. Just when I thought I would make it without being caught a sudden rush of footsteps approached me from behind. 


They called my name. I could tell if he was asking or ordering, but I was too focused on trying to identify the voice to figure it out. I remained frozen in place with my back toward the guard, shivering from both the coldness and the fear as he slowly moved around to face me. 

"C-Charleston s-sent me." He spoke. "I am.. Alistair." 


Edit: It is explained in the next chapter, but I am writing Alistair with a stutter. Any discrimination or bullying will not be tolerated.

Even though you guys did not get anywhere near the amount of comments I asked for, I am too excited, so I'm just going to tell you the name for book 2 + release the cover. 

The name of book 2 is........................ Counterfeit: Insusceptible !!!

Insusceptible: Incapable of being influence or affected.

Okay, so I'm not a graphics designer, so the cover is not going to be amazing or whatever (as you can tell from where I tried to make the pictures transparent), but I hope it draws some attention.

By the way, this book is no way nearrrrrr being done. We haven't even reached the climax yet, so don't stress. I have plenty more to tell.

Pleassseee comment your thoughts/feelings for the name and cover!

And just in general because your feedback is what keeps me writing. If you write yourself on Wattpad, then comment, because you must know the excitement and joy it brings!!!

Thank you for sticking with me through nineteen chapters.

I love you guys. All 14 of you who read this.

Ansel Elgort is Alistair Roche btw.

God bless!

God bless!

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