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I DECIDED I would wait to ask about why he was injecting me with more doses of medicine, until after I had asked him about the other things tearing through my mind

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I DECIDED I would wait to ask about why he was injecting me with more doses of medicine, until after I had asked him about the other things tearing through my mind. I knew it was stupid; he could have been injecting me poison, overdosing on my medication, and I would just be sitting there, happily letting him kill me. Thinking about it, it would make for quite an ironic death: someone immune to a disease dying because they had too much medicine injected into them. I snapped back into reality after convincing myself that I wasn't in the midst of being murdered.

"I know there's probably a lot of things you have to ask me." He was connecting a substance into an IV bag as he spoke: it was leaking an unknown fluid into my veins - one that Alistair had brought in for him.

"One of them probably being about why I was staring at you in the Mess Hall that day I arrived."

My eyes moved from him down to my wrist, watching as the medicine traveled through me. It was something I had been wondering about, but I knew the answer would satisfy MiKinley more than it ever would do for me.

"My friend said, 'it looked like you knew me.'" I told him, recalling the words Ava whispered to me at supper. I still remembered the way he was looking at me. I felt it etched somewhere along the walls in my mind.

Around him, there was an evident grey cloud of mystery, and a little danger drizzled out. But whilst everyone thought he obstructed the sun, I began realize that maybe his purpose was to shelter us from its burn.

Maybe, despite what we couldn't understand about him, he was like us. Like me... Maybe, I thought.

Charleston nodded. I wasn't sure at first if that meant he was agreeing with Ava's words, or if it was confirmation that he had heard me.

"I was trying to understand something." He murmured.

"Understand what?"

He locked his gaze on me and breathed deeply. Something about the way he stared at me made me feel as though I was some sort of clarity for him; as if breathing wasn't enough until he was looking at me. As if I was some kind of filter to the doubts in his head.


I didn't turn away. His eyes said more than his words in that moment. If given the chance, I would have looked into them all night long until I had collapsed in the valleys of his mind.

There was more to be said on that question, but we both came to a silent conclusion to let it pass for now. In turn, I gave him another one of my speculations.

"Why did you start working here?" He seemed more comfortable with this one. 

"Because the world is chaos and trying to fix things seems about the only logical thing left."

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