Chapter 18

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As soon as I finished my snack, I packed up my backpack and trudged out to Orion's truck.

First stop: The grocery store.

The closest grocery store I could find was whole foods. The wind practically pushed me through the doors and I crashed into another person. "I'm so sorry." I said and moved around him without waiting for a reply. 

I couldn't waste anytime. I picked up everything I would need from each isle. I wasn't sure what Orion would have in his fridge so I got everything. I took my full basket to the cashier and watched as the tall boy with dreads slowly scanned each of my items. I was starting to fidget in my spot in front of him. When he was finally finished, I pulled out my debit card and payed for everything. I took my bag from him and quickly ran out the exit and to the car.

I could barely contain my excitement as I raced down the street to Orion's house. I unlocked his front door and pushed my way through. To my surprise Sasha was home and she greeted me at the door.

"Hey girl. Do you need to go out?" I checked the time on my phone. 5:27. I shuffled into the kitchen and put my bag down, all the while Sasha is barking at me. "Okay, okay come on let's go." She followed behind me into the living room and out the back door.

I closed the door and walked back into the kitchen to get started on dinner. Thankfully my mom taught us how to cook.

Half an hour later and the food is almost finished cooking.

I hear the doors automatic lock click and the door open and close. Sasha, who I let in ten minutes ago, got up from her spot by the kitchen table and ran towards the door.

"Raegan, I'm home. Hey Sasha." I hear his footsteps come closer until he reaches the kitchen. I look over my shoulder but I don't see him.Weird. I go back to stirring the food in front of me and add a dash of salt that is until I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. My body melts into his involuntarily and I hear his deep husky voice in my ear. "That smells incredible."

My eyes flutter close and I hum in response. I don't know where this came from but I am not against it. I drop my spoon and turn in his arms so I'm facing him.

I tilt my face up to look at him and wrap my arms around his neck. "Welcome home. I made dinner. I hope you like beef stroganoff." His face split into a grin that mirrored my own.

"I love it." We continue to look into each others eyes, staying silent. Questions flying between us, but the answers were still unclear. After what felt like hours of silence, he cleared his throat and brought the both of us back to reality. "I can't do this anymore." He said and I could see him swallow hard. I dropped my hands from around his neck and tried to take a step back but his arms held on tighter. I searched his eyes for an explanation but I only got lost in the sea of green.

"What- what do you mean?" I whispered trying to hide the hurt in my voice. I must have not done a very good job because he unwrapped a hand from my waist and ran his fingers through his hair and down his face.

"I can't keep pretending that I will be ok if you just want to be friends. I want more than that Raegan. This morning...God this morning was amazing. I've wanted a moment like that since I laid eyes on you. I have wanted so many things with you, not just sex. I couldn't keep myself away from you even when you pushed me. Today when you told me you got into a car crash, I was so worried I almost ran out of my board meeting. I want more Raegan and I need to know that you want more too. What did last night mean? Do you want more too?" His hopeful eyes looked down into my own and it made my breathing falter.

"I want more too Orion," His face lit with happiness. "But, I don't know that much about you still. And there is a lot you don't know about me." He barked out a dark laugh at that.

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