Chapter 33

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"Where are you? I'll come get you, just hang on,okay?" Panic flooded his side of the phone and I heard the rustle of clothes in the background and the clinking of keys.

"N-no. It's okay." I take a deep, steadying breath. "Can I come over?" I sniffle and wipe my eyes with my palms, sick of crying over Orion.

"Yeah, of course. Rae, please... what's wrong?" He was starting to sound desperate for information. I would tell him everything but not over the phone. I couldn't break down again, at least not in my car and not outside of Orion's house.

"Later." I hiccuped and wiped more tears from my eyes. Oliver reluctantly agreed and we both hung up. I knew I had to get out of this driveway but all I wanted to do was curl up and hold myself until the sobs stopped thrashing through my body. I know I should be mad, and I probably would be later. But for right now, the adrenaline rush was gone, and I am heart broken.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself, willing the tears to stay inside at least until I made it to Oliver's house. I couldn't let what happened with Orion happen with Oliver. He isn't my knight in shining armor. His helping me one time doesn't mean I should throw myself into a relationship because he rescued this damsel in distress. Look where it got me last time.

But then again, Oliver had never shoved his way into my life like Orion had. He hadn't pushed me or tried to pull information out with a pair of pliers. He let me go at my own pace and was patient with me. Cultivating a friendship with me, caring about me as a person, not me as a job. Oliver always should have been my choice. Looking back, I was a fool.

Nevertheless, I vowed to myself as I drove to not let anything blossom with Oliver while I was hurt and vulnerable. No matter my feelings for him, I had to heal myself before throwing caution to the wind again. Nothing good would come of it. Besides, why would he want to raise my child? All I could do now was hurt myself or anyone that I try to form a relationship with.

I drove the twenty minutes into the next town over and came across Oliver's house. I have only been here once before but I never actually went inside. The only thing I remembered was making fun of him for already owning a house when he was still in college. It was a simple white house, a large front porch with a swing hanging on the side. Lots of windows to let in the sunshine and full grown trees in the front yard that I could tell would be refreshing in the summer, covering the yard with shade.

I could imagine neighboring children playing soccer in the streets until the sun went down and their parents called them inside for dinner. I could picture block parties and lemonade stands on this street. It was far enough away from the busy streets for it to be peaceful and quiet during the nights. It was the kind of neighborhood you raised a family and made a home on.

A new wave of tears filled my eyes but I cleared my throat and pushed them down. I got out of my car and let myself in through the wrought iron gate that was surrounded by brick walls. As I made my way up the steps, the front door opened. Oliver stood in front of me wearing a pair of plaid pajama pants and a faded Stanford t-shirt. His blonde hair was pushed out in all directions. Obviously he slept on it funny and tried to correct the mess by running his fingers through it until it resembled something presentable.

"Rae. Come on inside." He laced his fingers together with mine and led me into the living room I think. All of the lights were off except for what was coming from the muted TV. I looked around the dark room trying to make out any details.

A brick fireplace in the middle of the wall on our side, hardwood floors beneath us, and we were sitting on a leather love seat surrounded by more chairs and another love seat across from us. His house felt like a home, one where you sit around with friends and hang out, relax together and watch TV. How come none of us had ever been over?

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