Chapter 28

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"So, you strip." Oliver and I were both sitting on a bench in front of the school. Awkwardly I might add. His hands are folded in front of him and he is staring out into the street. I can tell by the look on his face that he isn't looking at anything in particular. If someone were to walk up to him he probably wouldn't even notice. I on the other hand have my arms wrapped tightly around my torso. When I saw Oliver the first thing I was reminded of was the fact that he had seen a lot more skin on me than either of us were used to. And though he was much more attractive than most men that come into Temptations, he is still a friend of mine. And it feels weird.

Weird because every time I look into his electric blue eyes, I feel exposed and vulnerable. I couldn't stop blushing for a good 15 minutes. Weird because, I never thought I would be this worried about losing a friend. I should be elated, really. Oliver will no longer be interested in me, he will remove himself from my life and I no longer have to be concerned that I might have made the wrong move choosing Orion. 

So, why aren't I happy?

"I do." I quietly reply.

"For how long?'

"A few years."

"Does Orion know?"

"It's sort of how we met." I blush again, but I can't help it. These aren't even personal questions. He could be asking so much worse.

"And he's okay with it? I mean- not that he can tell you what to do or anything! I just mean-"

"I know what you mean." I smile lightly but it's still genuine. "No, he isn't. But he pretends he is. What about you?"

"I don't get to date you- I mean I'm not the one that has to date a stripper. If I was, well I don't know how I would feel about it." His blank unemotional face is now full of expression. His eyebrows are scrunched so close they could be touching, lips pursed and his eyes keep flickering back and forth like the answer is right in front of him but it still doesn't add up.

"What about being friends with one?" I say shyly and his whole body hastily turns towards me and his face softens. His hands that were clasped so tight that they were white, are now reaching out towards me and pulling me into a warm hug.

"Oh God, Rae, I'm not going to stop being your friend. It's a job. Hopefully a temporary job considering your going to school to be a nurse but it's still not something to give a whole friendship up for." I sigh into his hug, wrapping my arms around him too, inhaling his musky cologne.

Thank god.

"I'm so glad to hear that. I was so afraid you would think of me differently now or that you would quit being my friend. And after your sister got fired I was so afraid she would tell-"

"Wait my sister being fired? From where? She doesn't have a job." My eyes grow as wide as saucers.

"Oh, um. Of course not, I just meant-"

"Don't fucking lie to me Raegan. No more lying, no more omitting the truth. Tell me what you know." His face was once again a stone.

I sigh and hang my head. "I'm such a horrible person. I shouldn't have said anything, if my family found out I was a stripper they would loose it. Now here I am, breaking bad news and being the horrible person I would hate." One more sigh and then I lift my head. "Your sister, Trish, used to work at Temptations with me. Which I guess you would have found out yesterday had she not been fired."

"What did she get fired for?"

"Oliver this really isn't my place."

"Please Rae. Just answer the question." His blue eyes were staring intently back into my own. I swallowed hard and tried to break eye contact but I couldn't. Not until I told him. As soon as the words left my mouth I broke away from the trance I was locked into. I couldn't bear to look at him after telling him what his sister had done. I felt sick as he paced back and forth, shouting out a curse here and there. I wanted to apologize but I had nothing to be sorry for. Not to him. I was sorry to Trish, even though she hated me for dating Orion, I still shouldn't have told her brother the things she did.

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