Chapter 29

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"Do not forget, class! Essays are due in only two weeks. Hopefully you are all smart and finished them a month ago when I gave you the assignment. If not, I don't pity you whatsoever. You are dismissed, see you tomorrow."

I start packing up everything into my bag and rush out of the room. I already know Oliver is behind me, rushing as well. In honor of the Miller party tonight, we decided to only come to half of our classes today. In case it wasn't already obvious, I asked Orion to invite Oliver to which he happily said yes. It feels like everything has finally clicked into place. 

The five of us hanging out more often now, usually at Orion's house to watch movies. It was weird to be outnumbered by boys but eventually Lucy and I got used to it. The boys all seem to mesh well, which makes me happy considering they are all such a huge part of my life now. A year ago if someone had told me I would become close friends with three new people, people who would know all about my secret, I would have told them they were delusional.

But now, rushing out to Oliver's car that he drove us to school in, a grin appears on my face. I love that Oliver drives me to school. I love that Lucy and Paul are still together. I love that I spend most nights with Orion in his bed. I love that Sasha wakes me up on Saturday mornings with doggy kisses and makes me follow her to the kitchen where Orion is patiently waiting for me shirtless with a healthy plate of breakfast.

It makes me really thankful that I hadn't told Orion about Oliver seeing me all those nights ago.

"Should I drop you off at Orion's?" He throws open my door for me to get in and then rounds the head of the car so he can climb inside.

"No, Lucy's house if that's okay. That's where I my dress is." I say after I'm buckled in.

"Sure, its still on the way. Are we taking separate cars tonight?"

"Yeah. Orion is picking me up, Paul is taking Lucy and we will all meet you there. Did you parents decide to come?"

"They wanted to but they said something came up that they needed to handle." I knew it was most likely Trish but I didn't want her to ruin my good mood, so I left it alone.

We run through our checklists together, going over the things we would need to do before tonight, something Oliver and I shared when it came to our personalities. It was nice being able to do it out loud with someone else. He had my phone plugged in, my songs on shuffle low in the background and he tapped his finger on the steering wheel in time with one of the songs. Silently, I wondered if he was the kind of guy who sang along with the music or just bopped his head. 

Orion was the type to keep the radio off all together. Which didn't necessarily bother me. Sometimes the quiet was nice.

Fifteen minutes later we pulled up outside of Lucy's apartment. I quickly unbuckled and threw myself out of the car, giving Oliver's arm a quick squeeze before closing the door. He rolled down the window to the car and I halted in my tracks to say good bye.

"You have the address?" I confirmed.

"Yep." His smile lit up the car.

"Am I forgetting anything?" I worried my lip between my teeth and held his eye contact. I watched his eyes flicker down and then back up to meet mine. After a second that I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't watched his eyes fall, he says teasingly, "Well your backpack is still in my car, so..."

"Shit! Thank you." I fling open the car door and grab my backpack. Keith throws me an easy grin and we both say our good byes, each of us promising to see each other later tonight.

I rush up the stairs to Lucy's floor and knock nonstop until she answers. "Good lord you are annoying! Come on, move, move, move! Shower then sit down at my makeup table. Start on your hair and I'll finish you off once I'm done with my shower." She started barking orders at me while she rushed back up the stairs.

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