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Dylan was walking but wobbly on the cracked pavement. With Nate's help, however, he was buckled in the passenger side safely. I myself had a few drinks but got off with a headache. I don't really drink, but it's more enjoyable when there is something to look at while you do so. I probably would be drunk right now if Demi hadn't cut me off.

Nights on the town didn't exist before now. I was always coddled by my friends. Not just when I started living alone, but back when I still lived with my parents. I'd go to Katia's with Monica and we'd talk about my problems over food and coffee, I'd cry for a bit, and then we'd play games and listen to music until I passed out. Now that I can see the road and the shots coming, there's no one stopping me. Not even Dylan.

The street lights were a blur as they passed at Nate's steady pace. They flashed past our car in streaks of yellow. Then again, everything is in this manner. The city itself is alive beyond the elevated highway. My view from Demi's lap through the window at my feet makes everything seem larger than life.

I'm not lying down, my seatbelt forbids it. I settle for kicking my feet up and leaning entirely on my girlfriend. Nate and Dylan laughed quietly in the front, my smudged vision seeing Dylan's mouth slur the words I couldn't hear and chuckle softly. I looked up to see Demi smiling at me, her fingers brushing the hair out of my face to look me in the eyes. Demi's orbs bore into mine like the night sky. Bright, beautiful, and full of life. Her short hair dangles freely but frames her face willingly. Demi hums a song I don't quite know the beat to as her black nails tap my body wherever they may lie.

"Have fun"? I asked in a raspy voice. The attempts at vodka burned when they went down and it nothing to quench a thirst I cannot tame. I gave up after three tries.

"I always have fun with you", she smiled softly. I smirked and pulled her down for a peck on the lips. Demi smiled in return and looked back to the road ahead, her hand on my waist. It's past midnight, I was told. I lost track of time with all the action of Arden's. All of the lights speed the time.

I wonder how many nights Dylan and Aiden spent there. Drinking and maybe even smoking until the wee hours of the morning. Getting home a miracle neither of them prayed for. How many times did they wrench over the toilet, the overpriced drinks bitter and burning up their throat. How many drunken lovers? These are questions that may never be answered.

It feels like things are on the mend now. Dylan has even looked back a few times and smiled at Demi. It's about fucking time. This is long overdue after all the fighting and complications. Demi needs him. Not just for taking care of me and for my sake, but in unexplainable and maybe even selfish ways. Same goes for Dylan. They need each other, whether they think so or not. More so I need them. I need them as a team.

"Babe I really think you should drink less next time. You can't stand up to much. You're little", Demi said.

"Why? I can't drive anyway", I ask.

"You could get hurt, in trouble, or both".

"That never stopped you".

"And that is exactly how I landed myself in rehab". Demi smiled, she knew she had won. Of course, I knew it before it was up for debate. All she has to do is look at me with those deep brown eyes and pout a few words and I'm wrapped around her finger. She is one of few who rarely use this ability to her advantage.

The car was then silent aside from the hushed talking and occasional cackle. It felt like a dream. The mood was up and I was cuddled up to Demi, safely buckled in the back seat with the edges of my vision wet and smudged with alcohol. Then the environment and the situation seemed less perfect and safe for some reason. It was that brief moment of clarity before a blur.

Demi was aware of the headlights coming from Nate and I's side a millisecond before the rest of us. It was only a second or two before the lights went from small to huge against the panic forming on Dylan's face as he turns to look toward what I can't see. I try to sit up, but Demi's hand firmly pushes me down. I only got a glimpse of Nate's white knuckles jerking the steering wheel when Demi takes my entire body and lies me down completely, enveloping me in her. Her chest is over mine and her head hangs down as her tense muscles grip the seat behind me while her legs trample mine. I wonder how she has so much physical freedom, but with a zip next to the window I know why. Somehow, that sound terrifies me more than the spinning of the car. I see nothing but her love and happiness t-shirt to accompany the sound of screeching breaks and the boys around us.

Within us it was just her breathing for the fraction of a second that seemed to float as all sounds faded but her. I just saw Dylan put up his arms in defense as the headlight became brighter and I saw the head of an eighteen-wheeler outside the window as it jerked to the side to veer away from us before the ringing of my ears brought back the sounds outside Demi's hut. I watch the side of the junky car concave in itself by my feet as glass shatters and goes airborne, only confined by the seemingly shrinking walls of the vehicle as pieces bury themselves in me and a thousand knives cause a yelp to form but collect at my throat. I can see nearly nothing, but I hear both boys in the front yelling and screaming in ways no one should hear anyone do so. Demi is hanging low over me, tense and whimpering. The car's momentum is driving us away from the other vehicle and across the pavement. I know the end has been reached when the entire other side crunches as the car buries itself into us. The clinging of metal and hard impact is prominent when Demi's weight goes completely onto me. But her body rolls as we hurdle over the barrier outside and I'm held by my seatbelt. as Demi's hand catches by my side I see in a hazy vision. At least one weight and two metal poles sail right over my head and to the front, Nate's mouth goes from a gape to a frown real quick. All I hear are cries of pain and all I feel is the thick liquid dripping on my cheek. The hazy air of headlights dies into my head and I fade into darkness.

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