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As the middle of august rolled in,Hermione was busy with tons of homework piled up aside her. Even eating and sleeping had become her secondary objectives. However Ron and Harry were becoming ethical bacchanalian day by day and studied only quidditch in the name of their curriculum.

Both Ron and Harry often managed to persuade Hermione to complete their different homeworks and the other person would just copy the homework completed by her. Thus, their quidditch practise sessions were going with much ease than the rest of the three houses whose key players had to cope up with the hectic schedule plus the heavy duty assignments given by their Professors.

Hermione soon discovered this plan of Harry and Ron,when she cornerd Ron one day after a seemingly bad practise session  for Ron,in which he missed every goal,even the most simple ones by millimeteres.

"Ron, i have completed Harry's essay  of "five important Potions and their usage" ,can you give this to harry,i have to visit Library and collect some information on my Ancient Runes assignment." and she passed a mammoth note of about 6 pages which brought a big  "OH" from the mouth of Ron.

This was when Hermione's intellectual senses clicked and she asked Ron why had he and Harry being giving her different homeworks and never the same ones despite of their entire subjects ditto with one another.

Ron straightaway knew that their pretty little game was over and now they are the ones who will be under the burden saw named study.

Ron amusingly didn't told harry about this and was looking to the Herbology class in the next hour when they would supposdly be bombarded with much homework .

Harry had become a genuine substitute to Romeo and never missed a single moment in the Herbology class to conjure a flower in thin air for his beloved Ginny,who in turn would sometimes ask Harry to tie that flower in her hair to make the girls around her burn in envy.

Ron had already adapted this behaviour of Harry and Ginny,and often thought  to present himself as a tough competetor to Harry by showing his endorsement and love towards Hermione in a unique way which was yet to be discovered.

Draco malfoy shared Defense against the Dark arts,Herbology and Potions with Harry and his behaviour was like a stone towards harry and his friends,even Harry now -a- days forgot what  Draco was a couple of years back, and he didn't blame him for this change in attitude.

 However there was a person who still loathed  Malfoy,he was a tall, newly appointed assistant in Herbology Greenhouses by Prof. Mcgonagall.Meanwhile Malfoy had become brilliant in his studies as if blessed from a magical charm,but the assistant by the name of Neville Longbottom was often partial towards him,the reson being he thought that Draco was cooking something evil and was wearing a mask of non-expressions to hide his maliciousness.

Harry however wasn't much impressed by Neville's guess,as he had seen the chances Malfoy let pass a year back,when he could have easily gained sublime confidence in Voldemort and a leap towards true evil. 

It was the moment Ron had awaited so eagerly,the distribution of assignments.............................

"Harry here's yours...i bet you will be as brilliant as you were previously "; Neville passed a yellow pamphlet marked with his own handwritting ...containing something about Mandrakes and Fanged Geranium.It was his idea to distribute pamphlets so that students do not forget about their homeworks and obviously he had something to do,because Professor Sprout's retirement was due after a couple of summers and he was much of an intern and less of an assistant.

After the class Harry began to look towards Hermione,naturally it was his turn,formerly Ron had applied for Muggle studies assignment,which harry had already copied and submitted.

And when he told Hermione about his quidditch practise session in the next hour and about how he had spend all his time in completing the "Muggle's behaviour towards witches and wizards",and decently begged before her to complete his "Mandrakes and Fanged Geranium:- a breif Histroy and Evolution",she replied  "I am not your house-elf Harry,why don't you bother Kreacher,maybe he can do this assignment much better than you and me."And she stormed away from the Greenhouse.

Harry was dumbfolded and when Ron told her all about what happend previously,Harry just smirked and thought that he should apologize for his Cliche of ungrateful behaviour.

Hermione later agreed to do his homework but as for Ron,.......he was in a real estate belonging to worries and worry.

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