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"I am sorry Harry",Ron told Harry about his earlier hard feelings towards him,over the breakfast table in the Great Hall.

He told him his entire conversation with Hermione,and the incident later involving the Goblin and the ticket to Lilowood.

Harry was stunned and spoke a few seconds later when Ron had finished. "You aren't really going Ron,tell me",he asked.

"I haven't fully decided,but now that my senses are returned,and my heart is significantly lighter,i say an adventrous trip  might be on,he said happily, feeling relieved that a huge burden has unloaded from his head.

"By the way, Can you please tell Hermione ,she won't even look me in the eye these days."Ron begged Harry.

"of course Ron,and i am sorry too,cauz i know exactly how it feels when you are all prepared and suddenly you find yourself out of the action."Harry told Ron.


It was decided after a meeting at Hgrid's hut,that the trip might be dangerous and risky,and Ron mustn't go.

"But mate,haven't we fought more dangerous and dark stuff in the past,besides this is not a battle either,i am going to learn something new and i will be disguised well enough."Ron put his point looking towards Harry for support.

"You are absolutely right Ron Weasely,"WE' have fought and not alone you,this might be a booby trap to drag your arse down the Gobinland and make you as a charming pet.",Hermione thundered.

She took out an ancient book of Goblin histrory and threw it on the table. As Ron picked it up looking astonished she spoke again ,"open page 615 and read aloud."

Hagrid,Ginny,and Harry were also looking perplexed and waited for Ron to begin.

"Lilowood is the only place in the wizarding world,where none of the wizards have set foot upon,as it is invicible to the eyes of wizards and other magical creatures,a Vanishing charm created by the great grandfather of Ragnuk the second,which is too strong even several centuries later his death.The charm lifts only for those who are invited by the inhabitants of the town by the use of a special goblin-portkey ,but legend has it that any wizard who has made the mistake to enter into the premises of Lilowoods,has been either converted into a pet cat, mouse or a parrot.But nothing can reliably be said to hold true about this mysterious land in question."

"Goblin Traitors of Lilowood were a serious threat..."Ron was interrupted.

"Enough Ron.",Hermione said.

"So, you want to become a cat,mouse or a parrot.",She added sarcastically.

 Ron looked frozen with terror,but said " But both Eirphuk and the Book says one thing in common,that no wizard has set foot upon Lilowood,then how come they have been changed into pets."

"It's a Legend you fool,the book's not sure about it.It is three centuries old atleast,and written by a witch.But you never know until you are willing to risk the rest of your life,babbling in parrottongue,instead of parseltongue."Hermione said impressively.

"Or maybe he wants to taste the life of his former rat scrabbers(Peter Pettigrew)."Ginny said.

"Or even like ...crooksh.."Hagrid began but got choked instantly as Ron looked at him lividly. 

"Enough! of this mockery,it is my choice and i will go definitely."Ron shouted and Fang was woken from its sleep.

Harry who had remained silent during the entire "Ron should go or not" meeting spoke,"But mate,how will you get the polyjuice potion done,we know it takes several days to brew it."

Ron smirked and said "I have already arranged a bottle full of it, from Neville.He nicked it from Slughorn's Potions shelf.There is a huge pile of stock in there,  he told me."


Ron was awake the whole night,freaking out sometimes at the thought of being changed into a animal forever,but had already boasted of his decision and didn't wanted to look a coward in the eyes of his friends,it was tomorrow's midnight that will decide his fate,he thought as the clock struck today's midnight.

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