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"Today we shall transform ourselves into cats," Prof.Mcgonagall roared on the top of her voice and Ron let a shrill squeak pass from his mouth.He wished he never had opted for transfiguration in the first place.

Ron was frightened to hell as the clock was ticking rapidly,and when it was unbearable anymore for him,he told Harry all about his anxiousness.

"I knew that  sooner or later you will discuss this matter Ron ;anyways, i have an idea that will relieve you from your anxiety."Harry said.

"What about,i accompany you in my invisible cloak,and we touch the portkey together."Harry put forth his suggestion,without waiting for Ron to open his lips.

Ron was delighted at this prospect and approved it immediately.

As Hermione asked Ron about the whereabouts of Harry,he told her that Harry was struggling from a stomach-upset  and had already wished him with luck, while a breath-holding Harry was just asides Ron, glancing upon Hermione every moment or two.

Hermione kissed Ron in the cheeks and wished him goodluck.

Soon the clock struck midnight and Ron looked upon a shimmering gleam of silver emerging from a nailcutter which was lying isolated on the floor.

"It's time Hermione",Ron said and picked up the portkey.

He was dragged within it ,the instance he touched it and soon only Hermione stood there gazing fixedly upon the spot where the nailcutter was placed a couple of seconds earlier.


 "Harry,where are you ?"

"Here Ron."Harry said removing the hood of his cloak.

They had landed in an unfamiliar looking forest and it was day here with sun blindening their eyes

"Alright ! time to drink this now."Ron said and he took out a bottle of the polyjuice potion.

Soon Ron found himself as Eirphuk,with his original clothes covering him like a well caught prey.

He soon put on the clothes which Hermione had borrowed from a first year student named  Philip Mckartney. He was a jolly young fella with much resemblance to the ' tiny ' Colin Creevy  ,who had died last year in the Battle of Hogwarts.

The clothes got perfectly fitted into the ' Goblin body ' of Ron.  He now had a trouser and a full sleeve shirt with subtle embroidery to the naked eye,but when looked into details were  clusters of roses and  swans,all in white.

"What shall i call myself? that smelly dung-headed goblin forgot to give me a name."Ron said rather trepidly.

"what if they discover who i am?..."Ron looked all pale and sweat was pouring from his mammoth forehead.

"Shut up Ron,You can call yourself  Pikachuk alright! now calm down."Harry was reminded of some Pokemon merchandise that Dudley had once demanded his father to get.

"It's brilliant Harry , you are my freind a brilliant name suggestor",Ron said looking upwards in the air, past his left side as Harry had once again put the cloak on.

So,Pikachuk and invisible Harry marched deeper into the woods,following a thin muddy trail covered with several olives.

Soon a sign welcomed them on the left side of their path.


"what the hell does it mean?"Ron said.

"How do i know,i assume it is Gobbledegook",Harry said.

When  they had reached the sign-post,there was a town visible,the most astonishing and amazing piece of architecture they had ever seen.There appeared to be a golden spark emerging from the whole town,and the houses were as similar to the ' Toy - Town ' sterotype as one could ever imagine.Everything colorful and neat with a gallon of cuteness embedded.

As they found their way towards the huge golden gate of this town,there was a similar looking goblin as Ron,circling around the gates with impatience.

He said  something like ..."SIXXWGPA FICWEQ" to Ron and hugged him,while the two elves who were wearing jackets and holding a strange device,hurried towards him.

"Sir,We must check you for security reasons."one of the elf said and said to his partner in Elvish,"DSISISKILID IDIFPO"

As Eirphuk gestured Ron to move forward,He thought he caught a smell of a human.He didn't knew it was from Harry's  and assumed that polyjuice potion had retained the original odour of it's subject  , Of course he couldn't remember the smell of Ron from Hogsmeade,otherwise it would have made the matters worst for Ron. Ron in fact was smelling like a perfectly -sweaty Goblin.

The Elves however weren't built this way to detect smell and they let go Ron after their strange tests.

"Don't speak to anyone around here and move as fast as you can , let us get rid of this horrid human smell you' re, pouring . We should  take an Elf carriage."Eirphuk said and called a Carriage driver.

"Oi 'skiner' here."the Goblin shouted.The elves constituted the working class of  the town and were referred to as "Skiners" or "Hanging baggies" by the Goblins who held the major and top-notch positions in all the trades and bussinesses running in Lilowood.

An Elf came driving a carriage which had three dogs instead of horses.

The dogs were strongly built and looked that they can carry 2 goblins easily along with the elf.The seats were as big as the kindergarden kids's chair and the elf spot was nearly half of that.

"Take us to Livsochk,quickly,i'll double up the fair if  you are real quick."The goblin hopped on to one of the seats and gestured Ron to do the same.

Harry was standing there unseen,thinking hard and decided to run after them, as soon as the carriage had taken a start.

There was a sweat bead for the first time on his head since all this dramatic change of events ,and it fell  as if  a single thick drop of water pours itself from the clouds, as seen by a pair of Goblin couple walking on the footpath and they looked at the sky to check the possible signs of any upcoming rain.

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