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"Longbottom,how dare you break in here", cried Filch,the obnoxious caretaker in an undertone.

Neville was purple in the face and barked,"Do you know i am not a student anymore,i can go wherever i want  in this castle."

"i know though that you are not a teacher either."smiled Filch with a twisted face.

"Outta my way Filch,before i blast you off ",commanded Neville withdrewing his wand.

But before he could make a move,something unexpected happened.

A weedy substance engulfed him,and Filch laughed raucously,putting away a shady sponge ball into his pocket which caused this bushy-arrest.

Filch was about to reach for Neville when,Peeves the Poltergeist zoomed in and Filch ran away from the scene muttering in vituperation.

"Now, why are you running away,you cowardly squib."cried Neville in half-anxiety,half amusement.

"He normally does when he sees me now-a-days,Longy....nice name for a tall guy like you."Peeves swirled nearer Neville as he spoke.

"Now let me set you free",he said wearing a most serious expression one has ever seen upon him,

which changed instantly into a wicked smile,as he produced a scissor,"I think this will do,for the bushes are not so savage........but your hair is,let me give it a shot Longy."

"NO,filthy creature,don't you touch my hair,i swear i will kill you ",erupted Neville desperately.

"I think  bald is in fashion,Longy don't you think!",and he was about to roll the scissor into Neville's hair,when a jet of white light pierced him,and he was frozen in air.

"Glacius ",a harsh voice had been issued from the throat of Draco Malfoy,who was standing in his black Payjama and grey T-shirt,with a wand still held high in his right hand.

Before Neville could even think what had happened,Malfoy  said, "Diffindo" and Neville was set free from the bushy clutches.

"Thank you,Er..Malfoy..",Neville began awkwardly,but was cut across in between by Malfoy,

"Don't mention it, Longbottom",and he turned away and vanished,towards the dungeons.

Neville plucked out the only rose,which was centered in between the array of lotuses and water-lilies across an enchanting Pond.

He was in the room of requirement,which had shaped itself as the 'garden of delight.'

The room could no longer be used to hide things,thanks to the Fiendfire caused by Crabbe a year ago,but was still able to transform upon firm determination of the user.

Neville had plotted a Never-wrinkle Rose,which had  grown enough to be plucked.It changed it's colour every single day,and now was a magnificent magenta.

Neville Pulled out a Letter from his pocket and began to read it upon the umpteenth time,

Dearest Neville,

I am so glad that you replied so quickly to my letter,despite of your much busy schedule.

I am now in Scotland,and might be visiting next year to Hogwarts,unless my Grandmother is cured of her sickness,She is a muggle...but i love her more than i had loved any one.

Also, i am learning 'mathematics' from my cousin,it's much like arithmancy....but more difficult than it.

I wish to take arithmancy in my final year; just  preying that grandmaa gets cured before next year,she has a knack of getting sick for a real long time.

How are you doing by the way?

Ernie wrote to me a week ago, he is looking forward to publish a book on  Wizarding Ethics towards Muggles,and asked about you.

i was wondering whether or not to tell you this,but i cannot contain it within myself.

i like you from the bottom of my heart, though it is not necessary that you may feel the same thing towards me,but i cannot deny it furthermore to myself and...more importantly to you.

Promise me we will remain friends for ever,despite of worsest of circumstances.

                                                                                                                           Your Friend Forever and ever,


P.S.   i am sending my grandmaa's handmade cookies,hope you like them.

There was a glint of red,in Neville's eyes as the colour of the rose turned heart-red while midnight tuned in.

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