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 The quidditch matches were already started with an array of top class players playing for their  teams,Malfoy was the captain of the Slytherin squad,Harry of Gryffindor's and entire hogwarts was awaiting this clash of seekers,even Rita Skeeter (now transformed completely into a noble journalist) seemed excited about this duel as reflected by her article in the daily prophet.

Malfoy was in top form and crushed Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's intentions of qualifying for finals,as they were already defeated from Gryffindors.

However Harry didn't appear for the league match with Slytherins,the reason being the day to be 31st october,and he had long before decided to visit Godric's Hollow,the grave of his parents.

He had decided this when he was at the Graveyard at Godrics Hollow with Hermione, on last Christmas.

Harry's absence resulted in a loss for Gryffindor,and they were completely squashed by the Slytherins,with the aid of this new sensational keeper,by the name of Jacob Mckinnon.

He was the grandson of the famous witch Marlene Mckinnon,who was an ex-member of the order of Phoenix .However Jacob was an orphan and lived with his muggle uncle beacuse his family was killed by the death eaters when he could barely walk.

The first decade of his story was similar to that of Harry's,leaving away the part of his kind Uncle and equally lovable childless Aunt,who treated him as their real son.

Jacob in his first year had shown outstanding keeping skills,in the history of hogwarts quidditch.

He was the first Slytherin to assist a hatrick of goaless matches,in his first three debutant games.

and Ginny almost fell from her broom,when he managed to stop an absolute gem of a throw of quaffle towards him,while dodging the bludger at the same time.

In the next moment,Malfoy was holding the golden snitch in his hands,and the match had stopped,resulting in the most horrible defeat for Gryffindors,since a complete decade.


It was one of those awkward moments when Harry and Ginny's passionate kissing was bothered by some unintentional invasion.

"Hermione....",Harry began awkwardly.

"Harry, i just came to give you  this",Hermione said.

Harry looked fixedly,adjusting his round glasses,while Ginny said goodnight and went to sleep, blushing with pink.

"what's this Hermione:"asked Harry out of sheer bewilderment.

"i dunno Harry,Prof. Macgonagall",asked me to deliver it to you,and i forgot....sorry,i was so involved in doing the homework."Hermione said in an apologetic tone.

"Nevermind Hermione,Let's check out this stuff,looks something big."Harry said enthusiastically.

And their eyes were gleaming with gold,as they saw two shiny golden broomsticks with a fire spitting dragon emblazoned in florid.The label was in emrald and read "Nimbus Extreme ".

"Nimbus Extreme,that's it!!!.",Hermione exclaimed with joy,despite of her lack of interest in quidditch.

"Now,i know Harry,the secret of Malfoy and jacob's success."she said with immense pleasure.

Harry hadn't been watching the Slytherin's matches,and was utilizing the time for more practise.

"You mean they have it too?"asked Harry.

"Yes Harry,but no one knew about it.Because of their tremendous speeds everything looked all blur and also the opponents could not  read the label,it is so small...look here."Hermione said in her secret revealing tone.

And the letter,which they found tied to one of the handles,confirmed her theory.

Dear Harry Potter,

I am glad to present you and Ronald Weasely , this unreleased version of Broomsticks by the Nimbus company. It so happens that Prof. Slughorn had used his contacts to fetch this model of broomstick,meant to be released over next summer.He had given it to a couple of Slytherin team members ,you might guess correctly,and i respect his attachment as the house-head of Slytherins,but i also cannot deny the fact that it had resulted in serious consequences at the points table,so it is my duty as the Headmaster as well as the house-head of Gryffindors to allow a fair and equally levelled play.

  P.S. All the very best for the finals.

                                                                                                                        (PROF.)     Minerva Macgonagall

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