Chapter 6

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They were so close together that they could almost feel the outline of each other's lips on their own. Cheryl rested her hands on Simon's hips and leaned forward in anticipation, nearly losing herself to the friction of their roused bodies. As their lips briefly brushed, Cheryl released a quiet moan and was more than eager to finally taste him.

Without any warning, Simon suddenly pulled away and chuckled nervously before pushing himself off of her. In a split second it was all over before it even began, and Cheryl was left feeling hot and bothered and outright disappointed – verging on annoyed.

"Look at this mess." Simon proclaimed before bending down to pick up the crumbs one by one in an attempt to avoid the situation at hand. 

Cheryl pushed herself off the floor but found it hard to stand still. Her legs felt like jelly and she was still dazed by what had happened just moments earlier. What exactly had happened? Cheryl was utterly confused but she was certain of one thing. At that moment, she knew that she wanted Simon more than anything in the world, but she wasn't sure if it was just a momentary lapse from getting caught up in the moment. She couldn't possible be falling for Simon, could she?

"Cheryl, is there a garbage around here?" Simon asked, disrupting her thoughts.

Cheryl cleared her throat before speaking.

"Um, it's in the kitchen to your left." She said while pointing to the general area.

As Simon ventured off to find the trashcan, Cheryl took a seat on the couch and buried her face into her hands. Things were getting far more complicated then they already were and it was starting to become a nuisance. To make matters worse, it just clicked in Cheryl's head that Simon had a girlfriend who he had been recently quoted to say is "the one".

Cheryl thought long and hard about her name by recalling all of the previous conversations she'd had with Simon over the phone, and within moments it fell into place.


Through all of the conversations that she had with Simon in the past, he spoke very highly of her and she could tell that he was absolutely smitten.

With that thought, Cheryl wanted to slap herself across the face. She did not want to put herself in the position of getting involved with a taken man. She knew from experience how much it hurt to have your partner play away from home, and there was no way she would hurt another woman like that. It was beyond cruel, and as a serial monogamist it was completely against her moral beliefs.

"Well that's it then, there's nothing" Cheryl said quietly to herself, unwavering in her plan to stay away from Mr. Cowell at all costs.

"What's nothing?" Simon asked as he made his way back towards the couch.

Cheryl jerked as she heard his voice.

"Oh, um, I was just saying that there's nothing on the ground. You clean up well." Cheryl declared.

An awkward silence lingered between them. Both of them wanted to talk about what just happened, but felt that it was an inappropriate and unwarranted topic to discuss. Simon in particular wanted to discuss the situation at hand because he felt incredibly guilty for putting extra stress on her that she definitely didn't need at the moment. More importantly, he was thoroughly confused about his own feelings for Cheryl. Sure, he fancied her like every other sane male (and some female) in the world, but he wasn't sure if his feelings went beyond that. The way his heart fluttered when he saw her and the way his mood miraculously improved a thousand times after talking to her pointed his heart to a solid yes, but he had high doubts that she felt the same. In fact, he felt completely at fault for throwing himself at her while she was visibly vulnerable from her current situation. It didn't take a genius to see that she was way out of his league, and for that reason alone he felt like an old pervert for making a move on her.

With that thought, Simon broke eye contact with Cheryl and walked over to pick up his keys from a nearby table.

"I should probably get going. It's getting rather late and I'm sure you're pretty tired as it is."

"Oh. Will you be flying back to LA tomorrow?" Cheryl asked ardently while hiding her disappointment.

"No, I actually took a week off from American Idol. I called in a personal emergency." Simon said with a guilty smirk.

Before making it sound like he flew all the way to another country solely for Cheryl, albeit he did, he added "Besides, this season is utterly atrocious. I'm pretty much put to sleep after the first 15 minutes of airtime."

Cheryl cringed at the thought.

"That bad huh?"


"So are you staying with friends?" Cheryl asked, thinking that his girlfriend may have come along with him.

"No, I'm just going to book a hotel in the vicinity." Simon replied.

"Simon, don't be silly, you can just settle here during your stay. I mean look at this place." Cheryl said while motioning around her. "It's clearly too big for one person. You're welcome to stay as long as you like."

Immediately after saying that, Cheryl wanted to slap herself across the face. She just made a pact with herself to stay away from Simon, and here she was inviting him to stay with her in an empty house for a week. So much for sticking to her plan.

Simon's thoughts were not far from her own. As much as Simon wanted to stay, he feared that being under the same roof with Cheryl for too long of a period would be problematic. He didn't know if he could muster the strength to control his impulses when it came to his affection for her. However, like Cheryl said, it would be silly to book a hotel when her home was probably just as big, if not bigger.

And just like that his decision was made.

"All right, but only if you let me take care of some chores as compensation." Simon proposed while sticking out his hand.

Cheryl took his hand into hers and shook it firmly. "You've got yourself a deal."

As Cheryl led the way towards the guest bedroom, she couldn't help but think that they were treading in very dangerous waters. Simon, who followed closely behind her, thought the exact same thing. This was going to be a very long week.

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