Chapter 26

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After packing up all of Ashley's belongings and working up a sweat, Cheryl and Kimberley were more than ready to call it a day. Both of them agreed that this whole packing thing was far more draining than anything they've ever done in the last seven years with Girls Aloud. To make matters worse, it was not the least bit fun.

"Fucking hell Chezz, I think I'm close to death." Kimberley grumbled hoarsely while leaning against the stairway, fanning herself with a piece of dusty paper that she found laying on the floor. Although all of the dusty residue was making her gag, she was far too hot at the moment to care.

When Cheryl didn't respond, she darted her eyes around the room and spotted her sitting in a corner about five feet away, giggling to herself for no apparent reason. A look of concern washed over Kimberley's countenance and she genuinely feared for Cheryl's sanity, thinking that the amalgamation of her previous heartache and current exhaustion was finally getting to her head, overwhelming her psyche.

"Cheryl?" Kimberley called out hesitatingly, her voice plagued with worry.

At the sound of her voice, Cheryl stopped what she was doing and turned around for a fleeting moment, revealing her mobile in her hand.

"Oh thank goodness." Kimberley said with a sigh of relief. "I thought you were sat there laughing by yourself for a minute." She addressed with concern.

Cheryl laughed blithely at her comment and carried on with her texting, continuing to disregard Kimberley and the rest of the world.

"Well don't mind me Chezz! I'll just be sat here by myself. Exhausted, parched, scorching hot, LONELY." Kimberley joked noisily, waiting for a reaction.

"Oh quit your moaning Kimba! I'm almost finished here." Cheryl shot back teasingly, spearing her with her eyes.

At her response, Kimberley groaned in defeat and crawled over to Cheryl on all fours, sticking her face in front of her mobile in an attempt to be nosy. In return, Cheryl shifted her mobile out of her sight and readjusted her body so it turned away from Kimberley, blocking her vision.

"Oh come on Chezz." Kimberley cried out, throwing up her hands in frustration. "I thought we share everything! What you've got to hide anyway?"

"Nothing."  Cheryl answered absently, preoccupying herself with her mobile at an expense to everything else

"Then you wouldn't mind me having a peek." Kimberley reckoned, a pout gracing her lips.

Cheryl shot her a devious smile. "When'd you get so nosy Kimba?" She asked candidly, an amused smile playing across her lips.

Kimberley scoffed, crossing her arms in front of her. "Seven years ago when I decided to care about your life!" She responded frankly, assuming her best look of annoyance.

"Aww really?" Cheryl answered affectively, resting her hand playfully across her chest. "I'm touched, Kimberley." She stated unassumingly, batting her doe eyes.

Kimberley rolled her eyes and mumbled a few words quietly under her breath. "Gimme that." She sneered teasingly before grabbing Cheryl's phone and clutching it tightly in her hand, immediately opening the SMS folder.

As Kimberley scrolled through a long string of messages, she noticed five messages from Sarah, six from Nicola, eight from Nadine, ten from herself, and a few more from some random blokes. Without any surprise, the rest of them were all from none other than Mr. Simon Cowell himself. Without any further ado, Kimberley settled herself on the hard ground and glued her eyes to the screen, taking a few moments to eagerly read through the messages.

<<3:03 PM - Simon>>
You are unbelievably sexy. Did I ever tell you that?

<<3:05 PM - Cheryl>>
Only every minute while we were snuggled in bed, but who's counting?

<<3:06 PM - Simon>>
I miss you so much it's almost unbearable.

<<3:08 PM - Cheryl>>
Same here. Hurry up with your work and come back to us. I've got a surprise waiting for you.

<<3:09 PM - Simon>>
Do you? Fancy giving me any clues?

<<3:12 PM - Cheryl>>
Imagine a romantic dinner for two...followed by a nice round of dessert.

<<3:13 PM - Simon>>
Mmm, well that's not hard to imagine.

<<3:14 PM - Cheryl>>
Not hard at all? I must be losing my touch. 

<<3:16 PM - Simon>>
You dirty girl. I have an idea, why don't we skip dinner and go straight into dessert?

<<3:17 PM - Cheryl>>
I suppose I could manage that.

<<3:19 PM - Simon>>
So what are we having?

<<3:21 PM - Cheryl>>
Depends. What do you want?

<<3:23 PM - Simon>>
How about something hot, definitely wet, and maybe smooth and creamy to boot?

<<3:25 PM - Cheryl>>
Something hot, wet, smooth and creamy. Hmmm, sounds like my specialty.

<<3.27 PM - Simon>>
In that case, I'd like several orders of that in advance please. Air delivery?

<<3:30 PM - Cheryl>>
Don't you worry, Mr. Cowell, this will certainly be worth the wait. A little distance may be hard for now, but believe you me it'll be even harder when you get back.

<<3:32 PM - Simon>>
God Cheryl, how on earth am I going to get any sleep with this kind of talk?

<<3:34 PM - Cheryl>>
You best figure it out because you're going to need all the energy you can muster.

<<3:34 PM - Simon>>
Oh really?

<<3:35 PM - Cheryl>>
Let's just say this dessert we're having is going to be quite a mouthful...

"For goodness sake Cheryl!!" Kimberley shrieked piercingly before throwing the phone hastily onto Cheryl's lap. Although she only got through a small amount of their texts, she was more than convinced that she read enough.

Cheryl laughed hysterically at Kimberley's reaction, chortling at the fact that it was the very definition of classic. "I warned you didn't I?" She managed through her laughs. "That's what you get for being so nosy."

"Bloody hell! I felt like I was reading a fucking pornographic novel!" Kimberley shouted stridently while shaking her head hastily in an attempt to dislodge what she read out of her memory. All of the mental images that flashed through her head were incredibly disturbing to say the least, and she felt a sudden urge to say a prayer in order to purify her mind from all the smutty corruption.

"Oh quit with the innocence, Kimba! You're no angel yourself." Cheryl mocked playfully.

"You're right Chezz." Kimberley replied back. "But I'm no dirty whore either." She said quietly under her breath, but loud enough to be heard.

Cheryl's jaw dropped to the floor and she smacked her teasingly on the arm, releasing a light giggle while shaking her head slowly. For the rest of the evening, their jokes and laughter remained in full throttle and Cheryl was more than glad that Kimberley was around to keep her company. With a week to go before seeing Simon again, she was going to need all the distraction she could get.

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