Chapter 2

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Simon stood at Cheryl's doorway looking slightly glum and unkempt. He was dressed in his usual attire with a simple white v-neck t-shirt and a worn out pair of jeans. As Cheryl opened the door, he looked up to meet her gaze, causing the sparkle in his eyes to reappear in an instant. Somehow, no matter how morose he was, the simple act of seeing Cheryl was enough to put a smile back on his face. 

"Simon." Cheryl said, without masking her surprise.

Simon gave her a cheeky smirk. "Surprised to see me?"

"Shocked really. What are you doing here?"

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Well hello to you too."

"You know what I mean." Cheryl replied.

Simon couldn't suppress his chuckle as Cheryl continued to stare at him in awe, with a clearly stunned expression plastered across her face for a good minute. "Well, if you must know, I took the earliest flight out to pay a visit to a certain somebody."

Cheryl felt herself blush. Simon always made her feel special in a way that Ashley never did. It was no secret that he appreciated her, respected her, and deeply adored her. Cheryl was a true Geordie at heart with her feisty personality and strong demeanor, and although Simon would never admit it, he absolutely loved her for that.

Cheryl composed herself to the best of her ability. "I hope you mean me, otherwise I'd feel pretty stupid for saying that I feel honored." She responded, giving him a quick smile.

Simon returned a smile but was disheartened all the same to see her so lifeless. The Cheryl that stood before him was not the same Cheryl that last parted with him just a month ago at the National Television Awards. Cheryl had a certain aura to her, something that just made her radiate above all others. Simon loved to see her smile, not only because she had the most beautiful smile he's ever seen, but because her smiles were always so genuine and full of energy. Unlike many others, there was nothing about Cheryl that was forced. She smiled when she was happy and she cried when she was sad or touched. In short, she was real.

Simon gave her shoulder a little squeeze before replying. "Of course I mean you darling. That is unless you don't want to be bothered at the moment."

Cheryl shook her head. "No, of course not. You came all this way to see me, the least I could do is offer you a cuppa."

At her words, Simon lowered his eyes with a hint of disappointment. He was exceptionally happy to see her, but it seemed like Cheryl was just trying to be courteous towards him, making him think that he made a mistake by coming.

Cheryl noticed the change in mood and quickly responded, "Besides, I could surely use the company." She added with a grin.

They stood in silence for a few moments, just caught up in the sincerity that exuded from each other's eyes before Simon broke the silence.

"Cheryl, as much as I'm enjoying our little conversation here, I think it'd be best if we continue this inside. I think I just heard a rustling in your bushes." Simon said warily, pointing to a cluster of shrubs that were positioned adjacent to the main door.


"Oh God!" Cheryl shouted in fiery annoyance as she forcefully yanked Simon behind the secure walls that barricaded them from the ravaging paparazzi gathered around outside.

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