Chapter 14

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Cheryl awoke the next morning on her king sized bed feeling joyous and ready to take on the world. With a brilliant smile permanently etched across her face, she snuggled into her pillow and released a stifled giggle as memories of last night's events repeated in her thoughts. Countless images of their passionate lovemaking reveled in her mind and fed into her yearning desire, making her entire body tingle in anticipation. When all of her thoughts became too much, she forced herself to shake it off before allowing her pressing hunger to get the best of her.  

She turned her body around expecting to see Simon still asleep, but was disheartened to discover the other side of the bed completely cold and empty. It was disappointing to say the least, but she figured that he probably needed a cup of water or something of that sort. After all the rough hustle and bustle of last night, she wouldn't be surprised if he was well parched.

She wrapped a thin sheet of blanket around her petite body and bent down to retrieve some clothes that lay scattered across the floor. She quickly put on whatever she could find before heading downstairs to look for Simon. If there was anything that she wanted right now, it was a good morning kiss from him and perhaps a good cuddle. Without question, she was feeling unusually greedy this morning but she was certain that Simon wouldn't complain too much about her insatiable appetite. After all, he had much to benefit from her current ravenous nature.

Cheryl nearly worked up a sweat pacing around her colossal home. She walked to places that she'd never even been to before, as strange as that was, and Simon was nowhere in sight. His clothes were gone from the guestroom, his luggage was missing, and there wasn't a single note anywhere in the house to let her know where he'd gone.

She continued to walk around the house in disbelief. She knew Simon all too well to know that he wouldn't just pick up and leave after what had just happened between them. No, she thought to herself, he couldn't have possibly left. They had just made love to each other last night – twice – and both times were incredibly special to her. She thought the same for him, but given his unexpected absence she was starting to doubt her beliefs.   

Cheryl heard her phone buzzing in a nearby room and quickly ran toward it, hoping it would be from Simon.

At this point it just had to be.

A thousand thoughts raced through her head as she reached for her phone; maybe he went to get some breakfast and got hit by a bus, or maybe he had to fly back home because his mum passed away, or maybe he was simply playing a horribly mean prank on her to get her worked up. Well whatever was happening, Cheryl was definitely flabbergasted and she felt like a needy girlfriend who couldn't be apart from her man for a split second. Amid this confusion, she had to constantly remind herself to breathe otherwise she'd literally undergo a panic attack, if she hadn't already.

As Cheryl gripped her trusty blackberry in her hands, she looked down at the screen to discover that it was indeed a text from Simon. She sucked in a deep breath of air and opened the message to read its content.   

10:03 AM
Fell behind at work. Decided to head back early. Sorry. –Simon

Cheryl re-read the message over and over again, leaving the words forever engrained in her memory. After processing his message verbatim, she was left speechless and millions of questions flooded her mind.

That was all he had to say? Fell behind at work? Sorry? And just signed Simon?

Cheryl couldn't believe it. To say that she felt hurt and used would be an understatement. With such a mindless text it seemed like he finally got what he wanted and then took off without even the slightest care in the world.

Cheryl felt weak in the knees and sick to the stomach. This was not how she imagined the morning after to be with Simon. She never expected it to be all lovey dovey and overly mushy, but this...this was just harsh.

Within moments, it finally sunk in that Simon was just like every man she had ever known. Just when she was starting to open up her heart to him, he proved to be a manipulative and false-hearted prick. The revelation crushed her to the core and reopened her preexisting wounds, further provoking her distrust for men.

Cheryl felt faint yet frantic as her heart began to beat rapidly against her chest. Her organs buckled, her heart dropped, and waves of pain struck her like a tidal wave on a murky tempestuous night. She slumped into a nearby chair when her knees gave out and allowed her mind to wander continuously. There was no question that she was a strong and independent woman, but at this point she desperately needed someone to hold her and tell her that everything would be okay.

Without any hesitation, she picked up her phone and pressed speed dial number one before pressing her phone unsteadily against her ear. She heard several rings before someone picked up on the other end.

"Kimberley..." Cheryl uttered in a trembling voice, barely a whisper.

Without having to be asked, Kimberley just knew.

"I'll be right over."

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