Chapter 18

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Cheryl was rudely awoken by a loud banging on the front door. After engaging in quite a few crying sessions with Buster, it took her several hours to finally drift into sleep so she was definitely not pleased with her visitor. She reached over to the alarm clock and stared at it intensely, focusing her exhausted eyes on the time.

When her vision cleared up, her eyes widened and she furrowed her brow, pursing her lips in anger. In less than a millisecond, her initial shock transformed into extreme displeasure and she was more than peeved. First of all, she wasn't expecting any company, and secondly, nobody with the right kind of mind would come around at three in the morning.

After letting out a piercing screech and flailing around hysterically for a brief moment, Cheryl finally decided to ignore the knocking and go back to sleep. In no time at all, she plopped herself on the comforter and buried her face into the pillow, snuggling her feet between the sheets. As she felt herself being drawn back into slumber, she heard the banging again, this time even louder than before.

Cheryl screamed out in frustration and literally hurled herself out of bed, burning and trembling with fiery rage. She stormed down the stairs with smoke spurting out of her ears and mumbled various profanities under her breath. Whoever it was, Cheryl felt sorry for them because she was not a happy camper and they were about to meet her wrath. It wasn't going to be pretty.

As Cheryl approached the door, she reached for the handle and heaved it open without a care in the world. Typically, she would have been much more sensible than opening the door without first looking through the peephole, but her anger got the best of her and she acted impulsively.

Bad move.

Cheryl came face to face with the one person that she had been trying to avoid for the past couple of weeks. She stood as still as a statue and released a soft gasp, feeling herself being drawn into a daze. As Ashley inched towards her, Cheryl responded by backing away slowly, completely stunned beyond belief.

Ashley had grown out a beard and his clothes were tattered from top to bottom. In his current state, Cheryl was certain that she wouldn't have recognized him if he walked past her on the streets. To make matters worse, he carried with him an unpleasant odor and reeked of booze. It didn't take a genius to comprehend that he had been drinking.

"Cheryl" He slurred. "I lovvve you."

Cheryl stood in shock and remained wide-eyed, looking as if she'd just seen a ghost. She wasn't ready to talk to him yet and seeing him completely shitfaced didn't make things any easier on her.

"Ashley, please leave." Cheryl forced out, trying very much to sound calm and composed even though she was virtually seething on the inside.

Instead of respecting her wishes, he did the complete opposite. He closed the door behind him and continued to stagger towards her unsteadily, dragging his filth into the immaculate home. He held out his hands in front of him and shuffled forward, wrapping his grimy arms around her tiny frame.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Cheryl blasted while pushing out of his grip. She walked towards the door and opened it once again, shooting him a look of resentment. "Get out Ashley. I don't want you here." She sneered in revulsion, absolutely disgusted by the mere sight of him.

Ashley stood up straight and tried to refrain from loosing his balance. "Cheryl please, I'm different now." He pleaded feebly, offering an explanation that only his mum could accept.

"Yeah, I can see that. Now make this easy on yourself and get out otherwise I'll do it for you."

Ashley scrunched his face and let out a little laugh. "You're so cute when you're angry mate."

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