** Silver Smurfs **

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Chapter 4

** Silver Smurfs  **




a spoiled or arrogant young woman. AKA- not Reilly }

Dedicated to addielemon

~For inspiring me with your awesome stories! :)

I know I'm insane.

But really? Other voices speaking to me in my head?

This is definitely not normal. Am I really this insane? I'm actually quite concerned for my well being.

Which is kind of ironic since I'm falling to my death and will most likely have an end to my insanity in about five seconds.

Goodbye world.

You never were very nice to me, but I enjoyed my time being alive.

Seriously. I told you that you aren't going to die.

Well, mysterious voice inside my head, the water I'm about to hit is saying otherwi-

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and I was suddenly shot up into the sky, away from the still water below me.

I eyes had been clamped shut when I fell and I was refusing to open them, knowing that if I did I would most likely throw up because my stomach can only take so much.

I'm surprised I didn't barf while I was falling.

Maybe because I was to pre-occupied with the voice in my head.

Wait. The voice said they could save me...and now I'm being flown away from what could have killed me...

Holy freaking pandas.

Are you kidding me right now?

My eyes shot open and I stared with wide eyes as the Titanium Force held onto my waist and flew back towards the bus, which was now sitting safely back on the road with everyone standing outside and staring at us.

I closed my eyes again.

No. No no no no no no no.

This is not happening. I'm dreaming. Yup, this is definitely a dream.

It's not a dream, Princess.

I opened my eyes yet again and glared at the half-masked super.

His mask, like I just pointed out, came down to his nose, leaving everything after that open. The area where his eyes are meant to be was open, and I could clearly see their chocolate brown color. It was even shinier up close and I was pretty sure it was blinding me with it's silver-ness.

I squinted to see his lips curl into a smirk.

"Don't call me 'Princess.'" I snapped in a way that would make every fangirl ever slap me across the face.

Oh well.

Silver dude met my eyes and held them for a few seconds before my eyelids narrowed at him and I forced myself to look down just as my feet touched the floor.

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