** Calm Before the Storm **

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Chapter 10

** Calm Before the Storm  **




absence of wind}

Abigail, being the great listener that she is-I'm shaking my head right now-fell asleep not even half-way through her interrogation of Titanium and her questioning of everything he and I have done so far.

Which, now that I look back on it, hasn't really been all that much. Well...if you don't count falling off a cliff, almost getting raped, multiple stalking situations, and gold-fish throwing, a lot, then there ya go.

So now, I was in the middle of trying to pick my best friend up off the floor and moving her to her bed-like the nice friend I am-but I had literally zero arm strength so you can imagine how hard that would be.

And Abigail is probably the lightest person I know! Yet even I can pick her up.

Man, I need to go to a gym...

Ha. As if.

"Need some help there?" Titanium's amused voice came from somewhere behind me, and I grunted in disapproval.

"No..." I struggled to speak as I yet again attempted to lift Abigail off of the carpeted floor. "I've got this."

Just then, by some miracle, I managed to lift my friend a total two inches off from the floor, without dropping her again.

"Uh-Reilly? Are you sure you've-"

"Ha!" I smiled triumphantly at my, small compared to Parasite over there, but large compared to me, accomplishment of the day. "I did i-oh cheese noodles."

With a soft thump, Abigail landed back on her bedroom floor with me left to lean over her with my hands on my knees and a little pant in my breath.

"Well, that was probably the most interesting thing I've ever seen in my life." Titanium spoke up in a cheery voice, walking up and standing next to me with his hands on his hips. "And you're even still wearing my cosplay outfit. Jeez, Reilly, I figured you'd try to live up to my title more."

I gave a humph and lifted an arm to give him a weak, and, probably sad, punch in the shoulder while he chuckled softly. "Shut up, old man."

"Aw, come on." He pouted. "You seriously don't think I'm that old, do you?"

I raised an eyebrow while looking over at him. "You're wearing a mask. You could be anyone for all I know."

'Of course I know you're not that old.' I spoke to him in my mind after I saw his lips pull into a frown.

He grinned at me and opened his arms. "I knew you loved me!" He squealed in a fan-girlish way as he practically squeezed me to death.

I tried not to blush as I had long ago taken off my Titanium Force mask and he would be able to tell. That, and the fact that he was hugging me so tightly that I couldn't even breath.

I gave his arm a slight pat. "Alright...buddy. Time...to let...me breath..."

He let go of me then and I stepped back as he swiftly and carefully picked up my best friend and placed her on her bed-which was made up of Titanium Force sheets and even a blanket with him flying.

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