** Shane Dawson is Queen **

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Alrighty, so I've decided that I'm going to do the Q&A with this book and it's characters as well as any questions you may have about me! xD

So, basically, just ask a question down in the comments if you wish to participate and when I have a decent amount I'll answer them!

I will most likely answer any questions you've got for me, so throw 'em at me! :D

Thanks guys! Don't be afraid to participate, I'm just doing this for fun! :D

~Zee xP

Chapter 11

** Shane Dawson is Queen **




the most powerful chess piece that each player has}



"Good night, Titanium." I turned over, pushing the superhero away from me and closing my eyes.

"Reilly, I-"

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I tried to sound strong but my voice only came out as a whisper. I clenched my fist under my pillow.

"But, I wanted to talk-"

"We'll talk tomorrow, okay? I'm just...I don't know what to say right now."

I heard him sigh from where he sat next to me. "Tomorrow is Super Day. I won't be able to see you."

"Then we'll talk some other time." I insisted.

"Fine. I'll see you later then, Reilly."

"See ya."

I heard the window next to Abigail's bed being pulled open, and a soft whoosh as Titanium jumped out and flew away.

I only opened my eyes after I was certain he was no longer here, and I quickly jumped up and ran to the window, closing it and pulling the blinds closed as fast as I could.

After that, I kind of just stayed standing there, my hands resting on the windowsill and my head against the glass as I stared at the carpeted flooring.

I wasn't lying. I had no idea what to think, let alone what to say to that statement.

"I think...I think it's your father."

Where did that come from?

Okay, I know where it came from, but...there's just no way. How could the Mayor of Fall City-the one taking such security measures as to place all the caught super villains on an island that only a few people can even see-be The Dark Raven?

Now, I didn't know much about Dark Raven other than what I've gathered from recent events. We aren't permitted to learn about the villains at Ridson, the City won't allow it. But Dark Raven must have been terrible.

Well, there's no doubt about that, seeing as they were sent to Ridson in the first place, but there were almost no traces of them left over...

And neither are there for any of the other huge super villains of Fall City. It's like they all just disappeared. It's as of everyone just...forgot.

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