** Cool as an Iceberg **

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Chapter 6

** Cool as an Iceberg **

{ cool



calmness; composure }

Dedicated to s-s-dee

~For being a great supporter of this story so far and for making me smile from your comments :)

"Aghhhhhhmmmmummnnnn." I groaned as I rolled onto my side, keeping my eyes shut.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a zombie waking up from a very colorful grave." An unmistakable voice spoke from what seemed like the other side of the room.

I knew I was in my bed, due to the feeling of my all-time favorite fuzzy pillow that was shaped like a long cylinder and was rainbow colored.

I sighed and lay on my back, rubbing my sore eyes with the palms of my hands.

"And if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were someone coming to rob me and I'd call the police." My eyes shot open and I quickly leaned over to grab my cell phone from the side table next to my bed, but I felt a whoosh of air and leaned back with a groan.

"Nice try." Titanium Force chuckled. I looked up to see him swinging his legs back and forth whilst sitting on my windowsill in all his silver glory.

More like silver lowliness.

"I can here your thoughts, ya know." He frowned. "And that wasn't very nice, seeing as I rescued you last night."

I frowned as well, as the memories of last nights incidents flooded into my mind.

Darned men and their need for alcohol. Sure, not everyone is like that guy last night, but there are quite a few. I mean, you'd think living in a city full of superheroes would tone that problem down a notch, but instead it just increased it.

I sighed. "Whatever."

"Still not going to thank me?"

"Pandas, no. I've got a reputation to maintain, you know."

He rolled his eyes behind his mask. "Mhm, suuuuuuure."

My eyes narrowed as I sat up in my bed, crossing my legs Indian style underneath my lilac and white polka-dotted comforter.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Hm? Oh, nothing." He flashed and innocent smile at me, but my glare only deepened. Seemingly unfazed, he continued speaking. "So...are you cool?"

I stopped what I was doing-which was nothing-and turned to stare at him. I didn't even blink, just full on stared him in the eye.

He raised an eyebrow under his mask. "What? Did I say something?"

I continued to stare before slapping a hand to my forehead in a 'face palm.'

"That sounded like it hurt."

"Not as much as what you said hurt my soul." I responded, though to be honest, I did slap my head a little to hard.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked as if he were generally confused.

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