** Illegal Goldfish **

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Chapter 8

** Illegal Goldfish**




a small reddish-golden Eurasian carp, popular in ponds and aquariums. Or in this case, Reilly's preferred binge-eating food.}

'Superhero's are the result of experimentation errors, though some faults may be intentional. Super-human abilities can also be caused by in-explainable phenomenons that may be the result of perhaps a lightning strike or a hurricane. However, as stated above, most causes found to create these inhuman abilities-otherwise known as super powers-are from experiments.'

I paused in my reading, setting down the book titled Dummies Guide to Superheroes with the pages open against my leg and grabbing my bag.

As I pulled out a handful of goldfish crackers-AKA: my emergency food-and shoved them into my mouth, I found myself wondering why I was even reading this crap.

After that blow up with the mayor, I decided it was time to spend some quality time with my real home and my real people.

By real home I mean the Library and by real people I mean the books.

Blah blah blah, classic nerd, whatever. 

I happen to like my nerdiness, thanks very much.

Is nerdiness even a word? Probably not. Oh well, fake fan.

Still munching on my gold fish crackers, I picked up the book and yet again began to read. Sure, I know I said that we basically learn all of this super-hero nonsense in school, but it just so happens that this week has been the weirdest of my entire life.

Like, literally, it has been three days since that crap with the Mayor and I've already resorted to grabbing as many interesting-looking books as I can and huddling myself in my favorite bean bag chair in the corner of the Teen floor of the Library.

(Plus, you're not supposed to eat in here, but we don't talk about that.)

So, yeah, I haven't really been all that concerned with school.

Granted, this superhero book didn't really look interesting, but the cover sure caught my attention.

I flipped the book back over to the front, my thumb in between the pages I was reading, and I skimmed over the brightly colored cover.

Sure, it was just a bunch of different colored and shaped superhero masks, but it was like they all fit in one big puzzle piece and I really liked it.

"Glad to know you support my species, Princess." 

"hOlY CHEESEBALLS!" I screeched, jumping up from my beanbag chair-almost falling in the process-and chucking a handful of banned goldfish behind me.

Silver Parasite caught one in his mouth, while the others either landed on the floor next to him or in his hair.

"God, Reilly, you'd think you would be used to it my now." He said, casually brushing the non-existent goldfish off of his suit.

"That's Gods for you, mister, and why would I get used to you stalking me? That's just weird."

He gave a lopsided smile while I glared. "Stalking you is fun, though."

"Goodbye." I gave him a salute before turning on my heel and heading for the staircase.

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