**It's Called A Phobia! ***

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Chapter 12

**It's Called A Phobia!**

[ pho·bi·a


an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.]

This chapter is dedicated to each and every one of you lovely pandas!
I'm sorry it took me so long to update!


"Reilly, please-"


"Aw, c'mon, it's just one little ride-"

"One little ride that goes...probably a thousand feet into the air, spins in slow, agonizing circles that cause me to question my life decisions, with tiny, little barely protective swingy things that make me want to end my life every time it's accidentally tilted to the side, and-because it's me we're talking about-will end up stopping at the very top of the ride just to make me hate my existence even more!"

Abigail gave me her signature pout, crossing her arms over her chest. "I think you're being a tad over dramatic."

"No, Abigail, this is what it feels like to have a phobia!"

"Hm...we're going on the Ferris Wheel."

A little bit of background before we continue, shall we?

Well, today just happens to be Super Day in Fall City, the one day of the year that all the Superhero fangirls/fanboys and their little cults unite together as one to frealizedtion of Super Fangirls/Boys/Thems-trying to include everyone, here-and spend all there hard earned cash on autographs from Silver Parasites and whatever other superheroes we have, I don't know.

I'm not that well educated, sheesh.

You people expect too much.

Anyway, back to the explanation. So Abigail, if you haven't figured out already, is one of those crazed fans, and drags me with her to attend this day every year. Though this year I kind of enforced it, but that's not the point.

The both of us are now weaving our way through hordes of fans, trying not to suffocate in the humidity and the swarms of people, and attempting to figure out what rides we should go on, seeing as this is a type of carnival thingy, I guess.

So, yep, that's what's happening.

Recap with Reilly, over!

I stared at her for a solid five seconds, before narrowing my eyes. "Fine. We can ride the Ferris Wheel-" she grinned and opened her mouth to respond, but I held up a finger, "only if, and I mean only if, you do whatever dare I come up with!"

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