**Jelly Doughnuts**

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Chapter 5

**Jelly Doughnuts**

{ dough·nut



a small fried cake of sweetened dough, typically in the shape of a ball or ring. }

Dedicated to HeatherFeather02

~ For being so supportive and kind! You are amazing! :)

I was in the middle of eating a delicious veggie burger-I'm a vegetarian-from the cafe that Abigail had insisted on taking me.

I was going to argue that we should just go to a regular cafe like normal human beings, but with Abigail, anything non-super related is apparently not accepted into her life.

I'm still very positive that she is in a super gang with a bunch of psycho fan girls and probably a few fan boys wearing black hooded capes and masks over their faces.

I'm flattered. A voice spoke in my head and I growled under my breath, annoyed with the super who just could not learn to leave me alone.

Instead of answering Titanium Force, however, I chose to block him out of my head and continue to happily chew on my delicious sandwich.

I mean, I'm not sure if a gang of super fan girls/boys should be very concerning or not, but I'm flattered that you would think of something so interesting that involves me. He continued, and I bit my cheek.

I reached forward and took a long sip of my sweet tea with no ice-ice just made it watery-thinking that it would distract me from having to listen to the idiot that was infesting my thought process.

However, I am finding it extremely rude that you would ignore someone with such high popularity. That someone being myself. I could hear the clear amusement in his voice...thoughts? I don't know, this is confusing. After all, I did save you from going splat in that ocean, and I'm still waiting for that thank you. 

It's extremely rude not to thank someone for helping you out of the goodness of their heart. I struggled to ignore him and keep my tea inside my mouth.

Though I guess you were a little too captivated by my gorgeous presence, you thought I looked absolutely delicious-

That did it. I gasped, causing me to cough and my tea went all over my shirt and my veggie burger, but I was to preoccupied to care at the moment.

"Will you shut up?!" I practically screamed in outrage, causing Abigail too look up from her french fries and stare at me with wide eyes.

I paused, realizing that I'd spoken aloud and chuckled nervously as costumers nearby gave me irritated looks. 

Well, I'm sorry that I interrupted your standing in line.

Jeez, people these days.

I suddenly started fake coughing as best I could before calming down and grabbing a few napkins to wipe up the tea that I'd spit out.

"Sorry, had something in my throat." I apologized lamely and everyone went back to their meals or their impatient line-standing. Abigail just gave me a strange look.

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