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I love to see my family every time once a year but it's not enough. I need more and more time with them. I cant expect myself and them to stay all well and not think what will or can happen in the future. It's not nice at all. But then seeing the people around me and the world smile at their fullest and being safe is more heart filling than anything. Here I don't have an option to be selfish, and I do than I'll be put out. I don't want that to happen. Every day I wake up and start my day, there is a constant fear running with my blood but I don't let it make me weak. Every when I come home, I'm the happiest I can ever be. I believe that this cycle will continue all my life till I die. My life is fantasy-less.

Nothing exciting happens ever except for the usual. I have passion and that is art. When I want I grab my canvas and start, specially on weekends. Its one thing I love more than my work. I have never been in much danger and it has always been an awesome experience every time. Sometimes it seems fun and sometimes it feels that I'm going to lose it right ,here right now. That's how it works.

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