Chapter 10- Zack and his Amazing Friends!!!

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I woke up feeling as rested and energetic as ever! So what should I do on a Monday morning? Hmmm... I know! I quickly got a bowl of cereal, wrapped myself in the bed cover I used to sleep and turned on the TV. Cristiano looked at me while he was eating, giving me the 'Well you're in a good mood aren't you?' look.

"♪So no one told you life was gonna be this wayyyy!

Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.!! ♪" The TV echoed across the room.

Friends...Just the show I wanted to see, since it was in fact my favorite...This show is amazing. 

What? I'm a bit of 90s guy, don't judge. But that's when I thought about something...F-r-i-e-n-d-s...Amazing friends....friends?

"Hey Cristiano? Do I have amazing friends?" I asked him.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Zack." He sarcastically said.

"What're you watching anyway?" He came in to the living room and said.

"You're seriously telling me you've never seen Friends before?" I glared at him.

"Not at all." He said.

"I-can't talk to you..." I slowly said.

I was in the middle of watching the show when I heard the doorbell ring. Who could that be this early in the morning? Besides, Cristiano and I don't exactly get company on a daily basis.

"I got it!" I yelled so Cristiano could hear me. As I opened the door, there stood Maria, causally but nicely dressed.

"Zack! I hope I didn't wake you?" She sincerely spoke.

I just stood there like an idiot, not saying anything. The only thing I could think about was how I hadn't prepared for a situation like this. I'm still in my boxers...

"Mind giving me a minute?" I laughed nervously.

"Sure." She laughed back. I closed the door, freshened up, dressed myself quickly and came back.

"Sooooo. What brings you here Maria?" I asked her, as if the speed dress up never happened.

"Oh, well I wanted to see if you wanted to hangout today! If you weren't busy I mean." She asked nicely. 

"Zack would love to!" Cristiano butted in.

I turned and whispered to him. "Don't you play against Japan today?"

"Yea I do. Spain and France play first today, so that gives the team enough time to practice and warm up. But don't worry about me, You should go spend time with her." He whispered back.

I turned to Maria continuing the conversation. "I guess I'm not busy today!" I smiled at her and we both started walking to the car.

"So how did you find Cristiano's place?" I curiously asked her.

"Neymar told me!" she smiled.

I looked inside at the driver seat and saw Neymar waving at me. Well that figures... The two of us got in the car, I was in the back, and Maria, in the front seat.

"Zack! How have you been bro?" Neymar said sounding excited to see me after a long time.

"I'm fine! Good game last week!" I congratulated him.

"Thanks man! So...what're we doing today anyway?" he asked both of us.

"Oh! I know! How about I take you guys to The Magic World Russia?" Maria suggested.

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