Chapter 19 - Netherlands VS Germany Pt. 2

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"There you are! I thought you guys would be late." Di Maria teased us both as we arrived 8 minutes late, walking inside the VIP seating area.

It was more like a room, or a lounge? I had never been in here before...A Large window from ceiling to floor covered the wall and our seats weren't too far from it either. Flat screens were at the sides of the room and at the top of the glass window, giving us a camera viewed angle as well. More importantly, from where this room was placed in the stadium it allowed for an outstanding view of the field. Being in this room, there was no way I could miss a single detail of the game.

--- At 15:34 (1st half)

"An amazing goal from Van Persie!" The announcer shouted.

Zlatan, Di Maria and I all cheered, high fiving each other in the process. Van Persie is playing hard and is only obvious, but so is Bastian. In fact Bastian seemed pretty pissed that Robin managed to score a goal so early.

"So are we all going for Netherlands right now?" I laughed but curiously asked.

These two are playing for their respective national teams, I would think they'd be cheering for anyone. "Of course! Ever since Germany won the World Cup in 2014 he's had a really pompous attitude and no one here likes it." Di Maria slightly vented.

"A bit salty are we Di Maria?" Zlatan looked over to Di Maria, laughing with an eyebrow raised.

"Hey! At least I'm being honest here and you know it know it." Di Maria protested.

"Argentina played in the final with Germany at the last cup." Zlatan whispered to me.

"Ohhh, so he's pretty salty." I replied as we both laughed. Even if it is a slight sense of jealousy, I agree with Di Maria based on Bastian's own actions.

--- At 44:52 (Into Halftime)

"Another Goal! From Robin Van Persie! Looks like Germany won't be able to secure a win this time around." The announcer commented.

Bastian was furious. You could tell he wasn't happy with the way his team was playing. He was shouting at them, telling them to play better.

"Wow, look like Netherlands has this one in the bag." Di Maria accepted.

"And right before halftime..." I added. I was expecting Zlatan to say something but he sat there, just thinking.

"Something the matter?" I asked him.

"Oh, it's nothing." He reassured. However, I wasn't too sure after seeing his expression. But is that what he's thinking? Does he really think Germany is going to make a comeback?

"Let's take a break shall we? Give us some time to stretch?" He suggested.

"Sure, I'm hungry anyway." Di Maria agreed.

"I'll be right back." He got up, leaving the room to run an errand, closing the door behind him.

"The then there was two..." he joked.

"Weren't you going to get something to eat?" I asked.

"Of course, you're crazy if you think I'm going out there to the concession stands, the fans would eat me alive..." he shuddered.

"You have a point, not sure why Cristiano, Fabio and Neymar take that risk." I laughed at his comment.

"So you really do know Cristiano and the guys then? Neymar and Zlatan are the odd ones in this, they never played for Real Madrid." He laughed as well.

"Not everyone, but I know a few of them. Like Marcelo, Isco, James, Fabio, Gareth and Sergio." I answered.

"So you do know Sergio then?" He curiously asked. Whyyyyyyyy did he have to ask that?

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