8)Zane x Reader

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A.N I promised my friend I would write this for her, it's been delayed for like, weeks. She's going to kill me. I made this a version where all the guys are in the Phoenix Boarding School orchestra, much like my crush and I. "Ahem, No**." I hope you enjoy! P.s. I did not forget the Garroth x Reader, I'm working on that. I just don't want want to die on Monday...

Your POV

The bell rings, signaling for the students to transition to a new class, for me, orchestra. I grab my violin case and black binder then head to class. Today, particularly, was a three-period dress rehearsal, which meant a longer time with him. I make my way to the spacious auditorium and open the door to the orchestra room. It seems that Cordelia was already there, tuning her violin along with her crush, tuning his cello.(A.N. I'm sorry, I had to. Below is my crush.)

 She notices me and flashes a smile

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She notices me and flashes a smile. I waggle my eyebrows at her, trying to hold in the laughter. Cordelia only points her bow at me and mouths 'No'. Slowly and cautiously, I make my way down the stairs to join Cordelia. I unzip my case to reveal my treasure, my European wood violin and bow. Undoing the velcro that bounds the violin to the case, I take the violin out. Next, I turn the knob that holds the bow in place and tighten the hair on my bow.

Then, I quickly tune and join Cordelia for a duet. Soon, her crush joins in with his cello, creating an ocean of music with no end. I look at Cordelia, who's cheeks are strawberries at this point. The pressure of my bow lightens, decrescendoing and eventually stopping, leaving the two to playing a duet.

The door creaks open, revealing the two Ro'meave brothers, Garroth, and Zane. My own cheeks heat up at the sight of Zane, his midnight black hair, and Icy blue orbs, pale white skin.

"Well, it looks like the Ro'meave brothers are early for once." I smile, teasing the two.

"H-hey!" Garroth stammers, obviously angered.

"Hmph." Zane just crosses his arms.

I smile at his remark. "Oh Zane, I'm just stating the obvious!" I snicker.

"Shut up before I decapitate you!" He says in a joking manner.

"Is it that time of the month for you, again, Zane?" A familiar voice is heard from the door. Lucinda comes in, carrying her leather-bound violin case.

Truth be told, I was jealous of the relationship between those two. Lucinda would always be able to make Zane laugh, unlike me, who always seems to piss him off with my witty remarks. I sigh, shaking my head to dismiss my thoughts. My head turns as my eyes scan the various notes in the sheet music. 'Violin 1, soloist 2', it read. Lucinda always had the first solo, it wasn't fair, she always had the better end of the stick.

At the time everyone filed into the orchestra room, the instructor began to run through the music. Once we got to the piece with Lucinda's duet with Zane, our head cellist, she began to play lighter and her bow movements became jagged, like she was unwell.... No one paid any mind to her softness, for Zane was compensating by playing softer as well. Well, there was one person laughing, Cj, only because she disliked Lucinda. Zane and Lucinda do make a good duo....

During the middle of the duet, Lucinda began to cough violently, making everyone look at her.

"Lucinda, go to the nurse, You don't look well." Ms. Feng smiled, yet her eyes glared.

"Alright," she said packing her things. Then, Ms. Feng looked at me.

"_____(name), please play Lucinda's part while she is away, I trust your sight reading skills."

I only nod.

~~~Time skip~~~

The night of the recital was here, and yet, Lucinda never made it. Everyone was getting ready for the performance. I noticed someone was missing, Cordelia. Quickly, I went to search for her. It didn't take long, for she was sitting on the steps of the school building, head down. I move towards her.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, taking a seat next to her, patting my black, ankle length skirt down.

"Not really...."

Little did I know of the person listening to us, behind the pillars.

Zane's POV

Cordelia had told me to hide here, but for what? All she said was that it would be something that I would like to hear.

"I'm just jealous of Abby, she always is able to spend time with my crush, plus, she threatened to break my violin if I 'touched her man'." Cordelia pretends to sulk.

"You, jealous? Well, that's a first!" _____(name) laughs, amused. Her next words paralyze me. "I know the feeling, I'm jealous of someone too...." Who? Is it someone I know? Thoughts run through my head. "Of Lucinda, she always is able to make Zane laugh, and I only make him mad with my witty comebacks." She heaves a sigh.

"Thanks for talking to me, _____(name) , that made me feel better, thanks." Cordelia signals for me to come out of my spot, as they both stand up. I purposefully bump into her.

Your POV

I walk with Cordelia up the steps, only to bump into the person I was just talking about, Zane. He flashes a innocent smile at me. Cordelia makes her leave, and so do I, but a hand grabs my wrist to pull me into the person's arms.
"I heard what you said earlier, _____(name)." Zane's low, sexy voice echoes into my ears. I feel a gush of heat flush into my cheeks, making them grow hot to the tips of my ear. He heard what I said!? "You're cruel, you know?" He says, turning my body to face him.

"What?" I ask in surprise.

"You're cruel, for making me wait all those years, just to know if you felt the same as I do for you..." He stares at me seriously. "_____(name), I love you, with all my heart," Zane says, planting a kiss on my lips with his own. It was like time had stopped, for us to cherish this moment forever....


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