4) Malachi x Reader

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{A/N} ART IS NOT MINE!! This is a picture of a scene from a very old Chinese love story. Anyways, I got a request from @saumeow to do a Malachi x Reader, Thank you for requesting it! I had a lot of fun writing it! Malachi is actually one of my favorite characters, aside from Levin. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Your POV

I look out to the shore to see a ship coming. By the looks of it, a trading ship, not very big, might I add. Climbing down the wall, I go to the lord's house. However, I strikes me that Garte is no longer with us. With that, I head to the docks.

Once I reach the docks, I stand at my post where a head guard would usually stand. By the time the ship docks, a man I've never seen before comes out. Immediately, I was captured by his beautiful emerald eyes and chocolate color hair. Then, I notice the patch he wears, Phoenix Drop's patch. I was told by Garte that Phoenix Drop and O'kasis were not in good terms. That was fifteen years ago, this is now, After all, our lord and his sons were all proclaimed dead. As the head guard, I was now the new 'lord'. My grip on my weapons grows, if Phoenix Drop was anything like what Garte said, I would have to be on high alert.

"Hello and welcome to O'kasis, my name is _____(name), Lord and Head guard." I give a professional smile and offer my right hand.

"I'm Malachi, He says while shaking my hand. The contact makes my spine tingle.

"What business do you have here?" I ask.

"I am a trader, I would like to set up a trade with O'kasis." Why?

"I see, let me consult with my counsel, follow me." I motion Malachi to follow me. By the time we reach the Building, I move to the single chair at the end of the table, Malachi to the left of me, on the other corner. The rest of the members file in, including Caleb, my second in command and brother.

"Alright, Malachi, state your reasoning, what do you have to offer?" I say.

"Weapons mostly, while Phoenix drop is still rebuilding itself, we recently hit a gold mine of ores, making it a great opportunity for trade, since we have a plethora of ores."

"I personally have no objection to O'khasis having another trade route, it would mean more allies for our new alliance, since Garte is no longer with us. Any objections?" No one raises their hand. "Alright, Malachi, does your lord know of this?"


I breathe out silently.

"Very well, I shall depart with you to Phoenix Drop, I will speak with the lord and make sure we settle on a decision. I will be ready in a few days, Meeting adjourned."

Everyone files out except for Malachi, who wishes me a good night.

"Good night, _____(name)." Malachi kisses the back of my hand, making my heart beat faster.

"S-same to you." I say back to him with a smile, as Malachi waves goodbye.


Looking over at the ship, I sigh, there is a long journey ahead of us to Phoenix Drop. My weapon is polished and sharpened. After all, you can never be too prepared. Turning to Caleb, I speak to him.

"Caleb, I trust you to look out for O'kasis, good luck." He only nods and wishes me luck. I wave to him as I board Malachi's ship, along with his guards.

The first place I go to is inside, I need a place to gather my thoughts. My lord was murdered, I couldn't protect him. It was all my fault.... I hear the door croak open, someone was coming in. Growing tense, I turn around to see Malachi at the entrance. He gives me a warm smile? I can't tell, he's wearing a scarf.

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