18. The French Horn

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"It will barely hurt at all" Draculaa persuaded with large pleading eyes. "I just want to spend the rest of my life with you, don't you want that?"

"I do, I really do" Layla sighed. "I've got nothing better to go back to"

"Let me bite you then"

"But it won't be me anymore, I might not even.. make it"

"Of course it will be you"

"It might not be, I've read your diaries okay. I've learnt a lot and as far as I can tell the venom of a vampire is dangerous. It takes more than one bite to turn someone and if you take too much they'll die. Then there is the affect on the brain, I'll be a vampire not a human. I won't have human thoughts. I won't be the same and I won't be me." Layla began to raise her voice. "Look at Kevin! He didn't even remember the love of his life after he'd been bitten!"

"But he still loves her though"

Layla fell silent. She was offered a choice, if it was much of one. Every good story needs a choice. She could either stay here enslaved by three mental vampires trying to avoid the fangs of Draculaa as he forced her into vampirism or she could go willingly and sacrifice her empty life for the happiness of Draculaa. It was like the transformation had started already for her. Ever since she stepped into this cottage nothing has been quite right. It was like a permanent state of dreamy consciousness, living with these creatures had altered her perception and desensitized her to the unbelievable circumstances. It was normality.

There she was falling for a vampire she barely knew but felt like she knew everything. I blame twilight. All the kids think it's cool now, getting in complicated relationships with vampires. It's not cool guys "say no to fangs".

Kevin was in the basement with a large map spread out across his dissecting table, he paced back and forth slowly as his mind worked hard to devise an undefeatable plan.

"So this is what I propose" He said purposefully. "We do exactly what Brooke told me to do, we go to the biggest city known to vampire kind 'Los Fangeles' then we find the little apothecary she was talking about. She says there they sell a potion that can make me and Layla switch places, so she can be vampire and I can be human. We simply stroll up to the counter request the appropriate potion and the rest is easy"

Kevin smiled at is plan. "It's perfect, what do you think Darrell?"

"I think you'd look a lot better if we trimmed your hair a tad, maybe gave you a smidge of a side fringe" Darrell beamed as he whipped out some shiny metal scissors from his waist and placed Kevin on a swivelling chair.

"Side fringe? hmmm" Kevin contemplated.


"So what do you think of the plan?" Kevin asked hopefully after pitching the idea to Layla and Draculaa.

"I think it's stupid when I could just bite Layla, sounds like an awful lot of energy" Draculaa moaned.

"I'm confused" Layla said.

"Well do have any questions I can answer for you?"

"Who's that?" Layla asked Kevin pointing to the beautiful man stood as straight as a pin in corner.

"That's Darrell" Kevin answered firmly. "Anything else?"

"Yes, why is he here?"

"He's my personal groomer, David gave me his number, can we get back on subject please?"

"Let me take care of this Kevin" Darrell said calmly as he stepped into the centre of the room. You see Darrell is that person who appears to be perfect in everything he does, his teeth are white, his skin is tanned and clear, he has every hair in place all the time. Every word that left his mouth had a hypnotic element and you just listened. No matter where you are or what you are doing when you hear his voice you just listen.

"Listen people" Darrell said softly. "Kevin wants to be human, more than anything. And you and Layla want to be together, more than anything. Can't you not see the perfection in this scenario, it's almost as if it was meant to happen.. like a plot in a book. Can't you just accept who your friend is and what you can get from this. We are all different, but if we were all different together we would all be the same. Global warming might be real, so turn off your radiator. Stay in school, but not overnight. Aggression is just a form of passion. Thank you. Goodnight." 

"That was so beautiful"

"We need to pack our things now"

Darrell smiled triumphantly as the two scrambled out of the room like toddlers on a sugar rush.

"Thanks mate" Kevin said.

"That's okay, I've always wanted to busk on the streets of Los Fangeles"

"What do play?"

"The French horn"


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