23. Old Friend

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They had completed their mission. Layla was vampire and Kevin was human, with only a few complications.

Most of Layla's human memories had been wiped, but that's a normal side effect to the procedure, not that she minded, her life before was sad and now was a chance to live a long and new life with Draculaa. The main complication was with Kevin. Both Layla and Draculaa had a shocked when he was wheeled through the double doors. He was... Old, very old. Obviously he was old before but now he had the wrinkles to prove it. He was slumped on a wheelchair with his white hair all disarrayed, his eyes were squeezed shut and he snored lightly. He had forgotten all his vampire life you could tell by how peaceful his sleep was.

"Where's Freddie?" Layla asked.

"He left to buy new games"


Freddie was running his chubby finger over the different game titles pondering over each one, he only had a certain amount of money to spend. He could go for a classic school vampire hunting game, or a soldier vampire hunting game, or even a vampire vampire hunting game, there was such a selection to chose from. He felt like he had entered the heaven for all vampire gamers and he had to refrain himself for spinning on the spot with his arms in the air to express his joy.

"What is so fascinating about them?" A female voice asked.


"What makes you so drawn to pressing buttons on a console" she asked.

"The stunning graphics, the thrill of virtual hunting, the escaping from reality... Loneliness" he sighed.

"I thought it might be something like that"

Then he looked to her for the first time and fixed his eyes on hers. She had shining red hair, he had never seen such a beautiful red headed vampire before. She had a glint in her fang and a sparkle in her green eyes like a girl out of the movies. Love happened.

"Do you want to go get some blood?" Freddie asked timidly.

"Are you going to play that game the whole way through?" She smirked.

"No" He placed his carefully selected vampire vampire hunting game back to its place on the shelf and chucked his console in the bin. "I won't be lonely will I?"


Draculaa and Layla wheeled along Kevin, they felt a lot safer this time, nobody was going to punch an old man, even if he was human. They looked in every game store they could find, with no luck. Just as they started to worry they would miss their flight they had a

stroke of luck.

"That's him!" Layla screamed pulling Kevin and Draculaa (who was now sitting on Kevin's lap because his legs were so tired, yet still didn't manage to wake him up.)

"Freddie, what are you doing we have to go!" Draculaa shouted bursting into a cafe.

Freddie slowly swivelled round in his chair, he didn't question Draculaa sitting on the lap of an old man in a wheelchair who looked suspiciously like Kevin, in fact, he only said three words.

"I found love" then he returned to his dinner with the strange girl.

"Freddie we don't have time for this" Layla whined.

"We are going to miss our flight!"

"You're probably just going to push her off a cliff anyway!"

But neither of them could get through to him.

"Wait, he's not on a games console!" Layla pointed out.

"Oh well then it's serious, let's leave"

So they walked away, got on the plane and left Los Fangeles behind without Freddie or Darrell.

If you're interested Darrell went on to be a successful French Horn player and eventually got his own music club in Los Fangeles before everybody realised he wasn't a vampire and exiled him, then he bought a hairdresser in a human town and spent the remaining of his life avoiding the full moon.

Freddie continued to see his lover until she got bored and tried to leave him, but all was well because he just used the 'fall' curse he used on Layla and Kevin and she had to stay. Love was the cure to his addiction; he never played another video game.

Draculaa, Kevin and Layla made there way back home. There was a strange stomp sphere the whole trip, it was as if they all knew there was an oncoming storm but nobody bothered to acknowledge it, now it was getting all too close. They followed Kevin's instructions as to where they needed to go and arrived in a human town, Layla stayed in the hearse to leave Draculaa and Kevin some time alone.

Draculaa wheeled him up to the doorstep of the house he asked to be dropped off at. It was a pretty little townhouse.

"Kevin" he whispered softly. "Kevin wake up"

He didn't.

"Kevin, you have been such a great friend to me, and I know I'm never going to see you again. I don't even know how long you're going to live, I mean you aren't as young as you used to be" Draculaa sniggered. "But seriously thank you for being there and putting up with my madness and being my little sidekick. You are my best friend, even if you are human"

Draculaa sighed deeply then rang the doorbell before running behind a nearby hedge.

The door opened slowly to reveal a middle aged man in a nightie.

"KARREEEEN!!" The guy called, confused as anything. "THERES AN OLD MAN ON OUR DOORSTEP, WHAT THE HELL?!" The man kicked the wheelchair so it slowly wheeled back.

Draculaa dived to save it from continuing into the road and quickly explained "wrong door!"

Draculaa read the address properly this time and took human Kevin to the correct door.

This time an elderly woman opened the door.

"Hello?" She said softly to the old man.

Kevin slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh so you'll wake up for her!" Draculaa scorned.

"Janet" he said hoarsely.

"John" she exclaimed with joy. "You've come back" she fell into the old man's frail arms. "I've been lonely"

From then events didn't seem to be how they were, they could as easily be how they were supposed to be. Kevin remembered Janet sitting there surrounded by those autumn leaves falling from the tree sheltering them from the wind. Their first kiss. Going home to craft the leaf globe to give to her the next morning before feeling the bite of vampire to end everything. He imagined what Janet would look like in her wedding dress, she looked so beautiful. He could almost hear the cries of the baby girl they never had, then the creaking of the swing he made for her in their small garden. That girl, he recognised her. She looked exactly like the creepy girl who had been following him around telling him to turn human, the girl from the Blood Bank. The girl who never got to grow up, breathe her first breath, say her first words, have her first kiss or graduate from school. Her parents never got to be proud of her because a selfish vampire took away all of that, from them. But now they were reunited, right at the very end. Kevin, or John, closed his eyes peacefully because now was the bliss of what could have been and they didn't need to open again. He didn't need or want to see reality anymore.

Draculaa and Layla returned to the cottage, which to their dismay had been ruthlessly vandalised by the vampire of the school next to them, graffiti, eggs and toilet paper the whole lot. Neither of them let it cut too deep, they were still sad to see Kevin go. Draculaa simply brought out his most valued weapon: Kevin's catapult. With a smile on both their faces they catapulted rotten vegetables on unsuspecting children, from families who hunt humans for sport, all evening.

"I love you" Layla said, smiling sadly.

Silence followed leaving Layla worried, then out of nowhere a cabbage was catapulted at her face.

"What was that for!" She cried.

"I'm playing hard to get"

Draculaa and Layla's years together were spent protesting against promoting vampire/human relationships and protesting against the sacrifice of humans all in Kevin's name.


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