19. Are we there yet?

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"Right okay, so me and Layla will sit at the front" Draculaa announced. "Kevin, Darrell and Freddie you'll have to sit in the back, please try not to get crushed by the giant coffin."

"No that can't happen" Kevin defied. " I have to sit in the front to direct you, if you think we are ever getting to Los Fangeles"

"You have the directional sense of a giraffe in Antarctica"

"Not with this new device I invented" He smiled proudly. "I promise this beauty is going to get us to Los Fangeles in no time"

"What is it?"

"Well I couldn't help that notice that sometimes Freddie finds it difficult to operate his touch screen consoles because of his size, his fingertips are wider than the selection boxes. I decided to make a navigational aid that does not discriminate against larger builds. With larger boxes to ensure clear selection every time, a strong frame in case of under bottom accidents and an indicative light that flashes and beeps whenever you near a fast food restaurant so people don't stop buying my products. I present to you... the FatNav!"

"Thanks Kevin, thank you so much..." Freddie sighed.

"Can't I just operate it?"

"You'll be driving"

"Uuugh okay"

The odd crowd piled into the hearse, they were greeted with the strong smell of dust, Layla didn't even realise dust had a smell before spending an hour in that car. All of her joints were aching tremendously as she folded in ways she didn't even know she could fold to escape touching the creepy coffin. Freddie didn't have this option, but being a vampire and all the coffin wasn't so horrific for him. Darrell had gone into a somewhat deep state of relaxation, the ultimate coping mechanism. I guess he does Agoy too. He breathed in and out deeply, just thinking about comforting things like the light feel of a hair dryer blowing on your palm. Sometimes his mind would wonder to the calming vision of his pristine hair salon before it was closed down. From all over England werewolves would travel to get his signature side fringe look but as soon as became all about the ski slope style nobody came to his salon anymore, so he took up the French horn.

"Are we there yet, we must be there yet, why aren't we there yet? I want to be there yet" Freddie whined. "I'll never be more happy to be able to move my legs than when we're there yet"

"We aren't there yet" Draculaa said. "We have to make a little stop first, to Layla's home town"

"We don't have time for little stops what do you think this is Draculaa a spiritual journey." Kevin burst out. "Well we haven't got time for people to go find themselves, we've got to find the hotel before dawn and the majority of us gets burnt to a crisp"

"No this is something Layla has to do" He stated parking the car terribly and opening the door for Layla.

She knew the way around here so well, it seemed so crazy that she was on the journey that could make her forget all of it. She wouldn't remember the corner where those bullies tormented her after school, the one with the bin she was weirdly attached to after spending hours in, or the house she and Amy ran past because the garden was overgrown and some of the windows were smashed in. She shuddered passing the fast food place she worked in when she first met the vampires.


Layla turned to see Kevin guiltily holding the beeping FatNav. She turned back to her old workplace with a strange sense of sadness,  ignoring Freddie as he walked out tucking into a bag of chips.

Her next stop was her flat, the walls of the building were a boring pale cream but all of the window boxes were multi coloured. She never understood why they did that, it made the place look like a nursery. She left the others outside and used the key dug into the potted plant soil to open the door. She remembered her awesome landlord's words.

"Yes they always hide spare keys under plant pots, but they never bury it in the soil do they?"

The place was quiet as it was the middle of the night, she used the elevator to reach her floor and crept towards her flat door. The flat was just as she had left it, not a thing out of place, by that I mean everything was out place as she was a messy person. Not a piece of furniture aligned. She scampered over to the framed picture of Layla and her Mum and knocked the photo out of the frame. She slid it into her pocket and headed to the door before she left. A tear rolled down her face at the thought of forgetting her Mum, in the same way that her Mum forgot her. She didn't turn into a vampire of course it was a much more common cause. She wouldn't be visiting the nursing home though, it was to late in the day for that - or night should I say. She switched the light off on her old life and left the building decisively with just one more place in mind.

Jack's street was scarier in the dark, but she wasn't scared because nothing was scarier than what was to come in Los Fangeles and that was all she could think about. Layla walked slowly to the front door of the house she presumed he still lived in with his mates and rang the doorbell, she hoped he would be the one to answer it.

Just as she had hoped an exhausted Jack appeared at the door he was wearing pyjamas and his hair was static to the standards of Jedward. His weary eyes focused on her face and his hands flew straight to his hair as he ruffled it into something presentable then returned to his previous position in the beat of her heart. They had a moment of silence to just stare into each others eyes. She doubts he even realises she had been gone for so long, perhaps he thought she was just ignoring her, but he didn't look mad. There was almost a second where she considered staying home and forgetting about all this vampire nonsense. At that moment when his face was exclusively lit by the moonlight and everything perfect about him appeared to be highlighted.  Maybe everything she wanted and needed was right under her nose the whole time. Maybe that everything was Jack. He was an undeniably beautiful guy. She had almost forgotten why she ever wanted Draculaa in the first place.

Then he opened his mouth.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?!" He whispered harshly. "I mean I knew you'd come running back but its 3 am, you're so weird Layla, this is just so weird. You ignore me for ages then turn up on my doorstep in the dead of night with some really weird looking people!"

He gestured wildly at Kevin, Freddie, Draculaa and Darrell.

"I just need you to know that I'm leaving you" Layla said sadly.

"For me" Draculaa interrupted.

"I already left you!" Jack said outraged. "Months ago, now you come here with your new weirdo boyfriend just to introduce me to him. What the hell? Who does that?"

Jack then slammed the door in her face leaving them all startled.

"Okay let's leave" Kevin said cheerfully.

The rest of the car journey was just as awkward and uncomfortable as the first half except with the added pressure of the upcoming dawn. Soon Draculaa was ordered by Kevin and the FatNav to stop in a wooded area.

"Okay, now this is where we get out!" Kevin said happily.

"What!" Draculaa said confused.

"Yay" Everybody else cheered.

"We can't take the car across the bridge, do you all want to fall to your deaths?"

The groups' eyes scanned the bridge ahead of them. It literally resembled the precarious bridge in every Disney movie. It was only made of panels of rotting wood, some of which had completely disappeared leaving large and unsettling holes in the structure and in the trust they had in the bridge. On the other side, like a shining beacon of hope stood the hotel for vampires they would be staying the day in.

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