chap 3

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Each excruciating step I took was like a pierce through my loud beating heart. I could feel every single bone and muscle in my body as I walked down the aisle of mental brutality. This path will only lead me to the outcome of what I will become, and how I'll become it. My eyes remained neutral, and my lips were sealed together like glue. The further I walked felt as if my former self was walking the other direction, away from me. From now on, I will be a stranger to every individual I will meet, as they will be strangers to me.

I'm currently walking in the enormous property of my new school, known as Nova Academy. There was precisely two buildings in this box-shaped area. The two buildings were gated by an extremely long metal wall that surrounded the buildings in a box-shape. It wasn't suffocating, though. There was still plenty of space to build another large building.

There was a manly figure, I noticed, who was standing at the entrance of what seemed to be my new school. He was dressed in a sleek black suit, and looked important. There was a briefcase in his hand. He was facing the other way, so I couldn't examine his features.

"Ms. Ivy Evans," The man who had been escorting me said. He was part of the Fuhai government who was assigned to lead me to my new school. He was also the same man who picked me up from the airport. "That man over by the stairs, in case you didn't know, is the Prime Minister." He informed cautiously.

My lips parted in disbelief. I've seen pictures and videos of him, but I never imagined that I'd ever see him in real life. The Prime Minister, he's the ultimate leader of all the nations. He's the man who's been keeping all the countries at bay. In each nation there is a Warden that governs their colony, but before they propose orders, they must seek permission from the Prime Minister first.

I stopped in my tracks when I was officially in the presence of the minister. He finally turned around after my escorter coughed to grab his attention. He turned around in all his glory and flashed me a silly smile. I couldn't even detect his eyes from how sunk in they were to his face, and I'm sure that huge smile wasn't making it any easier. He was a chubby old bald man, who looked a bit on the short side. He had a round cheerful face as he walked down the few steps to shake hands with me.

I immediately shook hands with the one and only Prime Minister, avoiding to show any signs of disrespect.

"Please to meet you! I'm Phillip Allister." He introduced kindly.

I smiled, "I know. My name is Ivy." I said, "Ivy Evans."

His eyes widened a bit, "Oh is that so? I was certain that on the papers your name read Ivy Evans, not Ivy Ivy Evans." He chuckled loudly, holding his stomach as if he just heard the most funniest thing in the world.

I heard my escorter laughing quietly in the back. When I turned my face to see him, I wasn't sure if he laughed only to show respect for the minister because he looked like he actually found the horrible joke amusing. I just smiled because I know if I fake laugh, it'll be obvious that I'm fake laughing.

Honestly, I never thought the Prime Minister would be the goofy type. I've always assumed he was the serious nonchalant type due to his quotes and speeches. I guess when he isn't politically speaking, he's a goofy guy.

"Ha, that was a good laugh!" He commented whilst straightening his posture. He coughed a few times before notifying, "Evans, I'll be giving you a personal tour throughout the campus, if you don't mind."

I raised my eyebrows. "You will? I mean, of course I don't mind in the slightest. But I'm just confused as to why you out of all people will be doing it." I said with honesty. It was a bit strange that he would get out of his way to give me a tour of the campus when I'm sure he could make anyone else do it.

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