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sooooooooo i'm terribly sorry for not updating for so long work suxx i know

okay here's the next part yaay

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He didn't see Phoebe after that all day. Her thoughts were nothing but questions and regret. He wanted to answer them; he just didn't know if she'd listen. He wanted to take away the pain; he just didn't know where to start. She's been hurt so many times he didn't want to add up to the list. But he knew that she would distance herself from him for a while. It's what she always does, like with that Ashton guy. He was a dick, he'll admit, and he's happy he's out of her life for good.

"Lucifer, what did you to this time?" God spoke by the door.

"Go away. I don't need you lecturing me again."

"You know, I'm only here to help."

"I don't need your help. I can figure this out on my own." He huffed.

"And what are you going to do?"

"I don't know? Wait for her to talk to me."

"Ah, but you said you didn't want to see her get hurt again."

"I don't! I don't even know why she was so worked up on me not telling her about Michael."

"Maybe because you missed the whole 'trust' thing between couples. It's very important."

"What? I told her about Michael!"

"But you only told her about him, not the things that happened between the two of you."

"But that's not important!"

"That's where you're wrong, Lucifer. It's important to tell her everything; don't hide secrets, even if it'll cause destruction between the both of you. The more stuff you don't give out, the more she'll feel that she's not really that special for you. That you don't care if she doesn't know. Being in a relationship should be about two beings willing to tell their secrets to the other as a mean of trust towards the other."

"But – "

"No, buts Lucifer." He noticed how God's demeanor changed. "She doesn't deserve this kind of pain, most especially from you."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm taking her back to Earth. And that's final."

"What? You can't do that!"

"Yes, I can, Lucifer. And you can't do anything about it! Raphael, Gabriel, take Lucifer to Hell."

"No! You can't do this! I love her!" He struggled to escape from the angels' grip, but they were just too strong for him.

"Love cannot conquer all, Lucifer."

"Let me go!" He pleaded.

"If you love her, you'll let her go." God spoke. He didn't have the words to say, mostly because he couldn't argue with that. He couldn't stop crying though; his once blue eyes were red as tears streamed down. "And this time, you'll cooperate. Do you understand?"

"Yes." He sighed in defeat.

"From this day forward, you are no longer allowed on Earth or on any realm beside Hell. You are no longer allowed to see or communicate with Phoebe in any sort of way. And, as your final punishment, I will no longer reincarnate her."

"What? No! Please, you can't do that! She has so much to see, so much to live for. Please." He cried.

"No. That's final. Raphael, Gabriel, take him."

Luke couldn't stop crying, and this time, it's not exaggerated. He couldn't believe that he was ripped apart from the only thing that kept him going all these centuries. That God could be that brutal as to hurt him in the most painful way.

"At least let Michael take care of her."

That was the last thing he said to Him before they disappeared.

"Is he gone?" Calum interrupted.


"Why would you do that? I thought you still cared about him."

"He needed to learn that the words he says can never be erased."

"But he didn't hurt Phoebe at all. They were both just overreacting."

"Calum, do not ever question my decisions, alright? I did what was best for the both of them."

"By separating them for good? That's not good."

"It's not permanent, you know?"

"It's not? How?"

"You'll see." God smirked.

"Man, he'll be so pissed."

"Yolo." God deadpanned. 

okay i know this sucks like super bad but the next chap isn't so 


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