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okay so here is the next chap and like in the previous one, the separation isn't permanent because we all know that God is forgiving and I want a happy ending lmao okay <33

vote and comment guise <3


"Lucifer!" God called once He was in Hell.

"What do you want?" He replied. "Came here to set me on fire forever? Or are you here to take my minions from me so I'll do all the work?"

"I'm not here to do that. I'm here to tell you something."

"Well, what is it? Get it done and over with!"

"I'm lifting your punishment."

"You - you're what?"

"What happened earlier was a test... And..."

"And?" He encouraged.

"And,... you passed!"


"You see, Lucifer. Yes, I've seen more fighting spirit in humans and such, but earlier, how you embraced defeat in exchange for her happiness, it made me realize that you should be lifted on all of your punishments for good."

"Wait! Are you saying - "

"You are no longer exiled here in Hell and you are now to live in Earth with Phoebe."

"So that means I can be with her again?"

"Yes. But she won't remember you."

"What?" He spat.

"And that's your final test. If two hearts are meant for each other, they'll always find a way to the other."

"Can't I just bring back her memories of us?"

"You can no longer do that."

"What? Why not?"

"You're human now. You can't do that."


"Oh, look! Your scars are gone!"

"Wha - "And just as Luke looked down, one by one, his scars started disappearing.

"And your heart's moving! Listen!"

"Why are you doing this?"

"And now you have blood! So now, you'll need to sleep and eat!"

"Why did you make me human?"

"Because that's what Phoebe deserves; a human being. Not an angel, not the devil."

"But who's going to take my place here?"

"Ashton Irwin." God stated.

"That rat? What did he do?"

"You mean this rat?" Just as God finished his sentence, Ashton came falling down.

"What am I doing here?" He complained.

"Oh shush you, be quiet! This is your home now."

"What did you do? Did you hurt Phoebe?"

"No? But I did saw her at school this morning. Wait, why do you know her? Who are you?"

"No one. You don't need to know me. "

"Ashton will take your place as the ruler of this place."

"Serves you right." Luke muttered.

"Alright, Luke, see you in Heaven in, let's say, 80 years?"

"Did you just call me Luke?"

"I did? Oh, I did! Alright, go on now! Phoebe's waiting."

"Wait, Heaven?"

"Oh, right! This is your last life, Luke. Live it well. No more reincarnations. I'll see you and Phoebe in Heaven."

"I'm going back to Heaven?"

"When you die, yes! But you won't be an angel anymore."

"I don't care! I get to see Heaven again! Wait, will I have memories when I go back to Earth?"

"If that's what you want, then so be it."

"What about in Heaven?"

"Alright, then!"


"Go Luke, live your life to the fullest. Tomorrow never dies."

"Yes! Thank you, God!"

"No problem. Now go! Be happy!"

Luke jumped in excitement and ended up hugging God. Because, who wouldn't? He was finally released from his punishment. He no longer has to rule Hell and witness souls getting tortured every single waking moment of his life. He is to live the last human years of his life with the girl of his dreams. He was going to live like a normal human being, doing mundane things with her. And the best part of it is that he gets to go Heaven when he dies. He gets to see his best friend again. He gets to see Heaven in all its beautiful glory. He couldn't have asked for a better ending on his life. He's not Lucifer anymore, just Luke, any maybe Lucas to Phoebe. He isn't the devil anymore, or the King of the Damned, He was just Luke; normal human being Luke.


cliche i know huehuehue

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