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So I changed the cover bc why not 

so heads up, I start work on monday and I don't know if I could update next week so yeaaa


okay anyway, here's the next chap, and it's sorta not polished idek okay 

"Where have you been?" Luke yelled once she got inside. "And why are you with Calum?"

"Oh, your friend Michael came here and picked me up. He said God wanted to talk to me."

"Oh, so now Michael has the guts to come here and pick you up, huh?"

"I didn't even know that he was going to be here! He just showed up!"

"Hm, maybe I should put a force field around here."

"Luke, how come Michael doesn't know that you forgave him?"

"Because he doesn't need to know that and that's none of your business!" He yelled.

"Well, sheesh! I'm sorry for caring about you!"

"It's not that, princess. It's just really a complicated story and I'd rather not talk about it now. Maybe some other time?"

"No, how about you tell me how Michael has also been watching over me when you're not around, huh? Or how you and Michael fought over me?"

"Princess, there's no need to explain that. That's pretty straightforward. We both fell in love you, but I saw you first, so you're mine."

"But you could've told me that sooner!"

"And then what? You'll feel sorry for him? You'll fall for him, too?"

"No! Absolutely not! At least I could've turned him down in a nicer way!"

"Then that's good! Turn him down once and for all so he'll stop snooping around us!"

"But he's your best friend, Luke!"

"Was my best friend! Until he stabbed me in the back!"

"He did it for your own good!"

"My own good? Do you even hear yourself right now?"

"Luke, he did what he had to do before you could cause trouble all throughout Heaven and Earth!"

"What trouble was there? I just wanted to be equal with my Creator! That's what He told us! That we were all created equal!" He defended as his eyes turned black.

"No, Luke! Are you hearing yourself right now? Did you actually think that you could be equal to Him? He made you, He made me, and everything else that exists in this world! You can't be equal to Him! Michael only did what he thinks is right!"

"Are you actually siding with him?! Do you actually care about him?"

"I don't care about him! I care about how you're being a pretentious asshole right now!"

"I don't care about that anymore, alright? I don't care about Michael or that part of my life! Can you just drop it? And besides, telling you my life story and the cause of my fall isn't exactly the most idealistic thing to say to your girlfriend of 5 months!"

"See? But that's the thing! We've been here 5 months and you can't even tell me a little bit about yourself! It's not fair!" She cried. "It's not fair! You know everything about me and I know nothing about you."

"Because they're not important, princess. What's important is that you're here and you're with me and we both love each other, right?"

"You're literally dodging the subject." She sighed. "You know what, forget it. I'm going to bed."

"But it's 2 in the afternoon!"

"I don't care." She walked away and slammed the door shut.

Why she has to be so inquisitive, he thought. Maybe I just need some sleep, she thought.

oooo drama 

and I'm ending it there bc idk if I should add more chapters? 

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