chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Shelbi's P.O.V*

I woke up by Justin Bieber singing 'Baby'. I sat up and walked over to Lulu. She had a pillow over her ears and trying to go back to sleep. typical.

"Lulu. wake up," I said.

"Ugh," She replied.

"Lulu come on get up!!!" I yelled trying to tug her out of bed. 

"Nooo!" She grumbled. She can be so stubborn in the morning. Then I got an idea. 

I walked over to my bed and saw Muffin was laying down sleeping. I picked him up and he instantly woke up. He licked my face and I giggled and pulled my face out of his reach. I walked over to Lulu's bed and set down Muffin on it.

Muffin walked over to Lulu and started licking her face. she swatted at Muffin but he ignored her and kept on licking her face.

"Shelbi that's gross," I busted out laughing and she opened her eyes.

"O it was you Muffin," She said in a daze and she laid back down.

"O no you don't," I said shaking her. I just kept on shaking her and poking her until she got up.

"Fine! I'll get up," She said sitting up and walking into the bathroom. 

I walked to my dresser and put this on;

I grabbed my black jacket and put it on. I went into the bathroom and put on some make up and brushed my teeth. I walked into the room and waited for Lulu to be done. She walked out and was wearing this;

"You can't wear something normal for once?" I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes.

"I have. but not often," She joked back. 

"Come on. we have to catch the bus," I said. She nodded her head and we walked down the hallway.

I stopped in front of the kitchen, whats that smell? It smelled delicious!!! I guess Lulu smelt it too because she opened the door and we walked in. Mom was standing at the oven and I saw she was cooking bacon and eggs. She saw us and gestured for us to sit down. We obeyed and sat down.

"Mom, we're going to be late," I said. She was also already dressed in her clothes for the day.

"No your not. i'm taking you to school today. I  have work off today and i'm in a really good mood," She said smiling hugely.

"Okey..." I took off my backpack and made myself comfy. 

She walked over and set down two plates filled with eggs and bacon. Yummy! She sat down with her own food and started eating. I ate my food and got myself chocolate milk before we had to leave.

Mom dropped us off with ten minutes to spare. We started heading to our little place in the morning.

"I wonder why mom is in such a good mood?" I wondered out loud. 

"I don't know," Lulu said shaking her head.

"I guess we can just ask later," I suggested.

It all started at the movies (a christian beadles love story)Where stories live. Discover now