chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Christian walked over and hooked up the game system and put in the game. He grabbed two contollers and tossed it to me. I looked down at my controller and it was purple!

"OMG, this is my favorite color! hold on," I pulled out my Iphone and took a picture of the purple contoller. Christian laughed and I looked at him with a 'what's so funny' look.


"Ok... so lets stop talking and get to playing!" I said getting comfy in the couch.

"alright, where do you want to go?"

"Nuctown, I love it there,"

"Ok," He said. and clicked into it. I smiled I love this town because I know where to hide and everything, muhahaha. The music played which indicated that the game had started.


"Not fair! your a cheater!" Christian yelled.

"Haha nope," I said while doing my happy dance.

"Yea, you can't just hide in that stupid green house behind the bookcase and then when I enter the room you just stab me!! You didn't even shoot once!" he said throwing his hands up.

"There is nothing in te rules that say I can't do that," I said smiling smugly.

"Whatever," he mumbled and pouted. I stopped dancing and plopped down next to him.

"Aww is little Christian being a sore loser?" I said using my baby voice and pinching his cheeks. He swatted my hand away, then the others came in. They saw me smiling and Christian just looking really mad and upset. I guess they caught on to what happend because Justin started to laugh.

"What?" Christian said to Justin.

"You were beat. By. A. Girl!" Justin said in between laughs. Christian just pushed Justin and continued to pout. I sighed,

"I'm sorry I was just a tiny bit in a small way was being a sore winner," I said giving him the best puppy dog look I could. He stopped pouting and sighed,,

"I forgive you, o and here," He said handing me something. I took whatever was in his hands and looked at it; it was ten bucks. What the- O yea the bet, I totally forgot about it. I stuck the money in my back pocket and sat down next to Christian on the couch. Everyone came over and sat on the couch too.

"We should watch a movie!" Justin announced. We all agreed to watch toy story 3! I LOVE woody! I mean buzz is pretty cool, but woody is just plain awesome. My friends always disagree with me though. No I didn't fall asleep like most people during a movie, I mean I think that is so stupid, like why do you put the movie on if your tired in the first place! Like seriously?!

The movie ended and it was about 10:54 pm, ah great! Mom is going to be so thrilled! I thought sarcastically. I got up and noticed most of everyone had fallen asleep, see what I mean! Ugh it confuses me why fall asleep when watchi- you know what, nevermind; i thought shaking my head. Jess and Sammi were still awake. They told me they had people coming to pick them up and that they'll see me tomorrow at school.

I didn't want to wake up Shelbi and get her all angry at me. I wasn't going to sleep on the hard floor or uncomfy couch, so I walked up the stairs and found the nearest bedroom there was. I was too tired to notice how messy the room was. I walked around until I found the bed and went to sleep.


I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Ugh!," was my lovely response.

"Lulu you have to wake up, you have school," I opened my eyes to see Christian and Justin standing over me.

"Ah! What the heck are you guys doing in my room?" I asked confused, they chuckled.

"Uh Lulu, this is my room," I looked around and remembered I stayed here last night, wow this is Christian's room, this looks like a dump!

"Oh, ok I guess I'll get ready. Where's the bathroom?" I ask.

Justin showed me over to the restroom and I said thank you and locked the door before taking off all my clothes and jumping in the shower. In the shower there were only guy shampoos, conditions and shower gel. So basically I smelled like a guy. I jumped out of the showed and wrapped musket in a towel. I looked around and then I thought of something, I don't have any clothes to change into whatsoever. I sighed and catiously wales over to Christians room. I took about three steps into the room when I got tackled to the floor. What the- I looked up and saw Christian laying on top of me when I was in just a towel.

"O wow um sorry Lulu," Christian said getting up really quick and helping me to my feet. He tried to avoid eye contact by just looking at the floor.

"Uh, Christian?"

"yea?" he asked finally looking at me.

"Do you have any clothes I could wear?" he just nodded and went to his closet. He walked out and handed me a pair of his skinnys and one of his purple shirts and he had a hat in his hands too. I smiled and said thanks, I walked back to the bathroom quickly and locked the door behind me.

*Christians P.O.V*

I watched her as she walked back into the bathroom. I can't believe Justin pushed me into her! That was so embarrassing. I walked back over to justin and he was laughing really hard. I walked over to him and punched him hard on the arm. He stopped laughing and looked at me.

"What was that for!?" he asked

"For pushing me into her,"

"Whatever, you just got embarrassed because you like her!"

"I don't like her like that! She's just a friend," I said walking down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Whatever you say..." Justin said grabbing an apple and biting into it.

Stupid Justin thinks I like her like that! Hah I mean she's cool and all it's just we just met and stuff. Plus I dont think she likes me anyway... But what if she does? Maybe I'll ask her on a date soon! And see where we go from there, but what if she dosent want to go on a date... Ugh this is frustrating, it's just that-

"Ready!" I heard her say as she walks in.

*Lulu's P.O.V*

Justin was driving when I remembered something, where's shelbi?

"Guys? Where's Shelbi?"

"She woke up later in the night and didn't want to wake you so she told me to tell you that shed cover for you and that she'll bring your backpack to you at school today,"

"Oh ok,". We finally got to the school and I said my thank you's and goodbye's before jumping out of the car and walking towards my school. I saw Amber waking up to me and smiling really huge. Uh oh something bad is going to happen, I can already feel it.......


Sorry if it's short, I did this chapter on my iPod plus my back and head are hurting really badly!

I had to go to like the dermatologist person thing and they had to take off a mole on my back nd head so now I'm just hurting!

Well vote, fan, and could someone PLEASE comment I reapply want to know what you guys think!

Well <3 you guys bye! Hope you enjoyed :)

It all started at the movies (a christian beadles love story)Where stories live. Discover now