Part 3

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"Want any help with the dishes" I heard Harry say behind me

"No I'm fine thank you" I said as I kept looking at the dark outside where light bits of snow fell

"You sure" he said, his hand delicately dragging past the bottom of my back

I flinched changing the subject "are the rest asleep" I said still keeping my focus on the winter night

"Yes, me and the boys are in the two spare rooms and guess what it's my turn to have the one to myself" he winked "then your friends went to your room and I believe Liam's getting sorted in the bathroom"

"Oh well I'm nearly finished so you should probably head up im fine down here" I said turning round to see him leaning against the bench

"I'm really not as bad as the press, Liam and your parents make me to be you know, all I've done is had girlfriends realised we were not right together and moved on, its not that big of a deal"

"Harry I don't want to know and I actually don't care just please stay out of my way I don't want to come inbetween you and Liam" I said in annoyance that he's still here

"Well I'm only saying because you get on so well with Niall and Louis but you totally avoid me"

"Wew! who came with you tonight and joked on with you" I said as he looked at me "yeah me,  night harry" I walked out the room and turned of the light leaving him in the dark kitchen alone

I walked up to the stairs to Liam standing at the top "I'm sure I told you to stay away Aaliyah" he warned I was too tired to argue back "arnt you not meant to be asleep I thought you were leaving to go to London early tomrrow"

"Well I couldn't help but hear yours and Harry's conversation, stay away...night" he warned again before walking down the hall into his room

I rolled my eyes and walked into my room to see Ella lying in bed on her phone "sorry I took so long" I said taking off my pants and top leavin me in my underwear

"Sorry I know I should have knocked but....." I heard a voice behind me

"OMG Harry" I shouted running over and jumping under my covers

"I'm sorry I just wanted to apologise" Harry smirked

"What are you doing in her room" I heard Liam shout

Harry shut my door and I cuddled up to Ella we normally sleep in our underwear it's just a thing we do "it's fine babe I promise, do you like him" Ella asked

"As a friend he is actually very nice but I just don't think friendship will work with Liam being Liam, he lets me be friends with Niall and Louis but just not Harry do you know how awkward that is for me" I sighed

"I know I know well how about we go to sleep and he won't be there in the morning maybe if we are up early enough we can get a McDonald's breakfast" she smiled as we both laughed really loud

"Us up early" I laughed "how about a McDonald's dinner" I winked


Liam's PoV

After shouting at Harry for going in Aaliyah's room I sat against her door

"Well do you like him" I heard Ella say, I sat up and put my ear to her door, her conversation with Ella was quite upsetting

I must admit I do feel bad but I've been friends with Harry for 5 years, I've basically spent everyday with him, I know what he's like and how he hurts girls. I don't want my little sister to be one of his one night stand fuck ups that he messes around because if that did happen the press would find out just imagine Harry styles sleeping with band mates 16 year old sister Aaliyah Payne no that's not happening to her it will ruin her life I've spent 5 years protecting her I'm not stopping now

I'm so excited for this I have wrote 14 more chapters and just waiting for the right time to upload them


.L x

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