Part 52

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It was the day of the wedding... The day I had been dreading since I found out about it, I'm jealous and it hasn't even started

What happened the other day doesn't help either it just makes me love Harry more.

I slipped into the stunning dress once my make up and hair as done with like literally 2 minutes too spare

"Are you girls ready because we really need to go" Liam shouted up to me and kaymee

We looked at eachother and smiled "I love the dress on you, now come on before your brother bites our heads off" she laughed

We arrived outside the massive mansion where they were getting married, butterflies filled my belly but really they were more like moths

My sickly feeling stopped when I got out the car and met felicite who was waiting by the door

"If I had told myself 3 years ago that Harry would have been the first one to get married out of the lads I would have slapped myself and asked for mental help" felicite laughed as we took our seats

"Same here" I laughed nervously

"I love your dress it really suits you" she smiled and I thanked her

Harry walked in and checked that everything was perfect, could I really do this I mean I still have time to walk don't I

Our eyes locked and the only thing my whole body agreed with was to run the the closest empty room

"Aaliyah you came" Harry said entering the room after me catching me wiping away the tears "al what's wrong"

"What's wrong" I shouted as the tears still fell "I deserve someone who gives a shit, nothing I ever do is good enough is it? It's all my fault, I wasn't good enough. All I wanted was for you to fight for me, I hope your happy with her Harry I really do you broke my heart. I needed you around and you weren't there you left me and now all I can do is picture you with her when all I done was love you and I mean I fucking loved you, I gave up everything when I should have just listened to you when you said there isn't going to be a happy ending for us."

He opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him "don't talk until I've said everything.I loved you threw everything and you don't even care like do you care about how I feel, what I'm going threw because it's really fucking hard seeing someone you love with someone else, you said you'd always be there Harry and where are you now where are we now, standing in a spare room in this massive beautiful building where you are getting married." I shouted loudly

"You were the love of my life, I just guessed I was yours too because I used to think of you as a person who would never hurt me yes we argued but never have you ever upset me like this... How could I have been so stupid" I said dabbing away my tears

He just stood there looking at me but he is Harry and that's what he does "I new all off that would be a waste of my breath, have a happy fucking marriage" I scoffed and walked towards the door

A hand grabbed my arm firmly and slammed me against the wall "don't you dare ever think I never loved you, I loved you with all my heart"

"Yeh Harry loved not love, loved as in past tense what does that mean now. Fucking nothing" I said before leaving the room and goin back to my chair

Harry stood back in his place just in time for Talia to come down the isle, her dress was stunning white, tight and Lacey it looked similar to mine just a lot better erg I hate her

"We are joined here today for the marriage off Harry Edward Styles and Talia Grace Evans, If any person can show why they may not be joined together let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The vicar started

'Yep me but I can't say that because it will cause shit' I shouted in my head

"Do you Harry Edward Styles take Talia Grace Evans to be your wife. Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live? "

Harry looked at me in a sympathetic way for a few seconds before joining eyes with Talia again "I do"

My heart broke in to a million pieces "he's just looked at you, why?" Liam whispered to me

"He wasn't lookin at me he was lookin at Gemma, she dosnt like Talia" I lied

The ceremony finished and it was time to make our way over to the party venue which I bet will be stunning "you getting in my car" I asked felicite as we walked over to where the pictures were getting taking

"Yeh I will one sec I'm going to tell Louis" she replied

I stood next to Harry and the boys and felicite for the first photo and fake smiled I new this day would be full of those

"I want a photo with ally I know we arnt really speaking but" Harry shrugged as Talia came over and messed about with his hair

I smirked at her pissed off face "no not happening sorry"

"Ally" Liam warned

"She dosnt have to if she dosnt want to" Lis defended me

"Fizzy keep out of this please" Louis asked her before continuing the conversation with lottie

"Fine" I moaned giving my bag to Niall

I stood next to Harry, flinching at the tightness of the grip that was around my waists "little to tight" I laughed


I walked over to my car with felicite "just throw them into the back" I laughed looking at the McDonald's wrappers and clothing that were on the passengers seat

"I'm so glad the man brought my car I can't sit in a car with Liam he's already asked to many questions"

"I think he knows" felicite said lookin out the window

"What do you mean? He couldn't unless anyone told him" I panicked slightly "you didn't tell him do you?"

She didn't reply she just looked at her lap

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