Part 60

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The past few days have gone so fast and now its the day of my mums funeral, I zipped up my dress and put her necklace around my neck and joined Harry in the hall way

"Come on the cars here" he said linking into me

I joined Liam, my Nanna and my uncle in the car holding on to liam since really he was the only thing I have left

"Is dad coming" I asked him as the car set off

He didn't say anything just looked infront of our car so see my mums coffin "Liam" I tapped him as he shook his head

I sucked in a breath and held on his hand quite tightly, we arrived at the crematory very shortly after where my mums family and friends were stood

I rushed out the car following my uncle and held on to my cousin Jonathan's hand lightly smiling at him

He walked me to the door where I met up with Liam and the boys "please stay" I said to Jonathan who went to go let hold of my hand and walk away but stayed with me

Ella joined us and held onto my other hand "would you please come in" the man at the door smiled

We took our seat Jonathan sat in between me and Liam since us three were really close

"We are gathered here today for the funeral of Anne Harris, everyone that new Anne said she was always fun to be around and that there would never be a face with out a smile when she was in the room." The priest person said "Anne had 2 children who she loves dearly and was always so proud off, Liam her oldest child would like to say some words"

"Growing up my mum was always there for me and my sister, when I told her I wanted to be a singer she didn't laugh and shake her head like the rest she told me to go for it and if it wasn't for my mum pushing me to go to that audition I wouldn't be where I am today. I think both Aaliyah and I will agree that's it's going to be hard for my mum not to be just a phone call away but she will always here even if we can't see her she will always be in our heart and thoughts"my brother said leading me to run up on the stage and hug him tightly "do you want to say anything" he whispered to me

I nodded and took a deep breath "the reason we are standing here today is because of me, yous can say it's not but that's what I believe and what I will have to live with. Before my mum passed away we were as close as we had ever been, I've seen her at her worse but then I also watched as she picked herself back up and got back to her normal self, that for me is the most inspirational thing I have ever seen anyone do. Rest in peace mum, thank you for everything" I smiled dabbing the tears away

On the way back to my seat I kissed my hand and touched her coffin "that was beautiful" Harry whispered to be as I sat down

The funeral had finished and now me and Liam were standing while everyone left telling us they give us their love

I smiled at the beautiful things people had wrote on the picture of my mum as Harry came up behind me "Liam said he's gone to your aunties and I have to drive you where you want to go when your ready"

I nodded slightly sitting infront of where her coffin just was "I feel different now like not as down"

Harry looked the my thumbs that were twiddling around eachother "it's cause you've sent her off to a better place now, she will always be with you Aaliyah. Always" he said whispering the always at the end

I looked up at him "but she won't tho. I won't be able to see her, touch her, talk to her. I need her back I won't be able to live-" I rushed before Harry's lips connected to mine, I gasped before softly kissing him back

"Aaliyah she is always here" he said breaking apart

"I want to go now" I said bluntly

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