Part 20

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I opened my eyes to a cream coloured room with a bright light and a doctor standing around me "hello dear you are at the villa do you know what day it is" he said

"24th of August" I shrugged

"Yes that's good earlier today you were hit on the head by a camera pretty hard is anything hurting"

"Erm my head but that's about it i could hear everything it's weird" I said sittin up

"No dear lie back down please, yeh you were only unconscious which is lucky because if he hit your head more to the right and a little harder you would of been on a comer and same if he moved to the left and done it probably the same strength you would have been dead" he said before calling my brother in

"Omg ally I was so worried I'm so sorry"he said hugging me

"Well don't be I'm fine now" I laughed

I woke up the next morning really early and I felt much better I walked down stairs and went out to sit around our private pool

I checked my Instagram to see Ella has a new boyfriend aw cute her like full Instagram is full of him and they've been together for 2 weeks why hasn't she told me

I text her for her to reply saying sorry out will Ben will text you later really so now she is ditching me for a boy

I rolled my eyes before locking my phone "you alright" Harry said sitting on the sun bed next to me

"Not really" I said fiddling with the tie on my shorts

"What's up"

"Ella's just ditched me for a boy, I haven't talked to her since I left for New York  and she didn't even tell me about him like they got together the day we left and I mean you go threw the talking bit before you get with someone" I sighed

"Oh" he said furrowing his eye brows

"I really want to go home"

"We only have 6 more days here please stay for me"

"Harry I've been hit in the head by one men out the Paparazzi like everywhere we go they are here and I don't like it being out here is making my best friend drift away from me and I just I don't know"I said wiping  tears from my cheeks

"Come here" Harry said pulling my into a hug as I cried into his chest

"Just try today and then tomorrow morning if you still want to go you can yeh" he said into the top of my head

"Yeh" I nodded into his chest I instantly felt better there's just something about his presence

"How about we go wake them up have breakfast and then go down to the beach" he asked as I pulled away from the hug

"Or we could do that and not wake them up" I smirked

"Fine by me it's like 7 in the morning they would kill us anyways" he laughed

We ate some pancakes and got our beach stuff on the beach was literally right outside like across a path and then there's the SAnd

"I hate this stupid gate"Harry said typing in the passcode for the 6th time before it opened

"It's Keeps people out so its all good" I laughed

We crossed the small path and ran down the beach me behind Harry wow he could run
"Lets go in the water" he smiled

I stood up pulling of my long t-shirt as he picked me up in a fireman lift before dropping me in the water

"I can walk" I moaned before swiping his legs making him fall in the clear water

"Really al really" he said coming closer to me

I started moving back before running in the water that came to my hips he finally caught up to me grabbing my waist from behind pulling me closer

"I love you" he whispered  in my ear as he placed a kiss on my neck

I smirked before turning my head to see a few paparazzi "Harry"I mumbled

"Yes baby" he whispered pulling my closer and putting his hands on the side of my bum

"Look to the right" I whispered

He stopped moving back from me "your brothers also there" he said as I looked towards the villa to see him and Lis standing with bags


Double update because I love this chapter like this is where the full drama starts like it's going to hit you

Ooooo I'm excited I want to do a triple update but I must calm down

I'm actually starting to like what I'm writing so if you could vote or comment it would mean a lot

I also want to start reading different things so if you have wrote something or you are enjoying reading something please comment

My favourite thing at the minute is 'my complicated life' by sassygirl93 like I am obsessed I read it when I'm doing my make up, in the bath, having a wee literally anywhere LOL

kisses xxx

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